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Thread: E Cat safe - who is doing the best deal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    E Cat safe - who is doing the best deal?

    I am looking to upgrade to e cat
    Looking for a decent sized safe as hate stacking and packing.
    What recommendations do you have?
    Don't want to spend the earth either!
    Cheers in advance

  2. #2
    res is offline
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    One of the paintball shops was doing sharp deals a while back-I got two "14" gun safes delivered for aprox $1200 with the certification for e cat
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  3. #3
    Shootin the breeze.... Survy's Avatar
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    If you have been looking around you may have noticed the price increase across the board, there's some basic e cats on tard me for around $660, the comments around these are they are basic and rough.
    I'm looking at a Kilwell E cat as I have their A cat and am happy with the style and setup yet price is around 1200-1300 excluding delivery.

    You might wanna try emailing shops with the same email and see who comes back with the best price
    PTG123 likes this.
    Grouchy Smurf had it right all along...

  4. #4
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    in the middle of the bottom of the south
    watch out for the stag creek safes, they don't comply
    if you see your local retailer they may be able to tac your safe on to a stock shipment and get the freight costs down, that's what I do.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by res View Post
    One of the paintball shops was doing sharp deals a while back-I got two "14" gun safes delivered for aprox $1200 with the certification for e cat
    Was that a price for each?
    I notice gun city has a decent one but nearly 4K is a lot too much 🤔

  6. #6
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    I got a good '15' E cat off Serious Shooters for $1100 ish about 6 months ago. I forget the exact figure, but I shopped around and it was the best deal at the time. The Buffalo River jobbies seemed a bit nicer finished than the Edge equivalents. Also, go big. '15' meant a reality of 9, and even then if you want any of the back 6, half of them have to come out hahaha
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by greghud View Post
    watch out for the stag creek safes, they don't comply
    if you see your local retailer they may be able to tac your safe on to a stock shipment and get the freight costs down, that's what I do.
    We have been stocking the Stag Creek 5-gun ones at work for $619, but have run out. The wholesalers got Rod Woods at Wood's Custom Guns to inspect them, and they have supplied us with a certificate signed by Rod saying that they met or exceeded the requirements set out by the arms act to store E, B and C category firearms. I bought one of the 5-gun ones myself and the gentleman who came round to have a look at our security when I applied for my E endorsement had no problem with it. So I am a little concerned, who told you they didn't comply?
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  8. #8
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PTG123 View Post
    Was that a price for each?
    I notice gun city has a decent one but nearly 4K is a lot too much
    That was for both of them
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  9. #9
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    I would be keen to talk to them if you can find which one and the models.
    I could work with two 🙄

  10. #10
    res is offline
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    Sorry, you will need to look them up-it was done on a old work email and with a credit card that I no longer have-there can only be so many paintball shops that sell safes.
    I have not seen the safes as they are being used while I'm out of the country for adding to my collection but I'm told they are ok and my mates ao was ok with them.
    I'm told that 10 guns each is more accurate description of size.
    I did get a discount for buying two from memory
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  11. #11
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    Spent far too many hours searching.
    Cannot find a similar deal to the paintball shop one quoted.
    Might have to wait till I get back to NZ and try then.
    I had wanted it ready but can't have it all ways.
    Anyone hear of anything good, please let me know.

  12. #12
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    in the middle of the bottom of the south
    that was from the local arms officer, there was a robbery up country and when they looked into it, the safe did not comply.
    the corners on some are ground down so much that the weld has been completely removed and you can see the join. there was other issues as well but I think it was along the lines of the compliance paper work being a generic and not specific to each model.
    apparently the police investigating got another one and broke into it in seconds.
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  13. #13
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    If you have good guns/scopes then spend half the money you would spend on a good scope on a good safe!
    They are an investment, even for an A cat.
    You can get an awesome one built for around the $1500 mark, add some Ross locks = thousands invested safe and secure.
    Just my 2c
    longrange308 and PTG123 like this.

  14. #14
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    Check these out too.
    E Licence – TSL and Select Engineering
    I have one of the 2B versions.
    Only thing against it is the depth especially with pistol grip firearms.
    They will custom build to your specifications which is handy if you have a specific area to fit a safe. They are not cheap but are good quality.
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  15. #15
    Member mawzer308's Avatar
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    Bought my 10 gun safe (Edge security brand) from the paintball shop on TM, $960 shipped. Well constructed and E cat compliant certificate supplied.
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