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Thread: Element Helix HDLR 2-16x50

  1. #1
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    Element Helix HDLR 2-16x50

    Had a look at one of these at GC shop last week. Seems like a good set up & sensible price point. Amy one running one of these ? How do you find the optical performance? Pretty well impossible to tell looking at them in the shop. How would you rate the glass vs VX5 for example?

  2. #2
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Oxford, North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by chainsaw View Post
    Had a look at one of these at GC shop last week. Seems like a good set up & sensible price point. Amy one running one of these ? How do you find the optical performance? Pretty well impossible to tell looking at them in the shop. How would you rate the glass vs VX5 for example?
    I love mine, great scope packed with features, haven't got a vx5 to compare it too but I think it performs pretty damn good.
    I did a review not that long ago I can post a link if you like ?


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  3. #3
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    Thanks Danny, don’t know how i missed that one when I searched for Element Helix HDLR ? Good to read first hand comments from a knowledgeable user. Have you had chance to test out the low light performance?

  4. #4
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Oxford, North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by chainsaw View Post
    Thanks Danny, don’t know how i missed that one when I searched for Element Helix HDLR ? Good to read first hand comments from a knowledgeable user. Have you had chance to test out the low light performance?
    Like I said, I haven't had a chance to side by side compare it with anything (top notch) in low light, but I found it pulls more than enough light in, in conditions I'd be happy to shoot in as far as low light is concerned.
    The only other scopes I've compared it with was my old Nikon Monarch 3 3-12 and my mates Vortex AMG 6-24×50.
    It was easily better than the Monarch and at least equal to the AMG if not slightly better imo but not really apples with apples if ya know what I mean.
    It's not vx5 price but I think for the money it punches well above it's price point. I have no plans to replace it.
    If it's of any consequence my mate with the AMG was impressed enough to buy 1 as well to put on his finnlight 7mm rem mag.
    chainsaw likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    I have 1 and as dannyb has said for the money they are hard to beat I don't have a vx5 but have the delta titanium hd 4-24 and there isn't much between them. Had a burris 3-15 signature and my personal experience I like the helix
    chainsaw and dannyb like this.



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