What does everyone use to eliminate moisture in their safes?
What does everyone use to eliminate moisture in their safes?
Slight overkill but I have one kilo of silica gel in a fine mesh bag hanging from the door of the safe. I dry it out in the oven every 3 months. Works nicely.
I need some of that to store with my dies, where do you get it from?
Splashed and bought a gold bar off Greystone, gets chilly in the garage in ChCh, but probably only turn it on for 6 months, works well.
A lock up room in the shed with the safes and other storage that is heated.
You can use a lightbulb periodically and a fan to remove it. But usually better off making your home drier as you get a nicer place to live.
Or a silicone gel dehumidifier which you heat up to remove moisture. Mine stopped being effective after a while. Seemed like it never removed the moisture in the unit.
You can get small heater element that won't go past 30 Celsius.
That's what you want. The containers from reloaders supplies are ideal to hold it. The silica gel that comes with the containers at reloadersis carcinogenic. The stuff in the links isn't
I use this and put it in large organza bags from Spotlight. Trouble is it changes to dark green within 1 or 2 weeks, and needs to be dried out. The safe is in an uninsulated garage, and the gaps in the safe door are enough to allow airflow. So next step is to try sealing it up with neoprene sponge seal around the edges.
I had issues with this and it was a real pain to get a good solution.
I tried heaps of different moisture absorbers and products but I found nothing worked as good as hanging one of these things on the inner door of my safe via a hook. It is amazing how much moisture they collect, every 2 - 3 months it is full.
The tub versions like below are okay but they don't collect as much I find, I still stick one of these in the bottom of my safe but it is much slower to fill up. I think the hanging bag version above works better as it sits parallel to the rifles vs just at the bottom of the safe. Since putting the bag in I've had zero issues with surface rust/moisture issues on anything.
Tub version:
I got one of those little purpose built bar heaters, imported it via Amazon. Very low draw heater. Has removed all moisture. I believe there a small battery operated ones available now in NZ, that work for a few months then alarm as battery runs down.
I bought what was called a rechargeable dehumidifier. It contains crystals (probably silica) that are orange, and turn green as they absorb moisture. You then plug it in to “recharge” it (though what you are actually doing is heating the crystals to remove the moisture), then put it back in the gunsafe. It doesn’t need “recharging very often, only a few times a year.