I could’ve definitely gone that route, but I didn’t. That’s just you projecting yourself onto what I’ve posted. I don’t see how you could possibly interpret my posts so far that way.
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I think some people are being a little over sensitive. If your offended so easily go to the vaping and manbuns forum.
I like the FR8. Great wee bush rifle. Short, sturdy and makes things fall over. I've had two, one shot really well, got another years later on a nostalgia trip but could never get it to shoot right. Grouped well but had a wandering zero.
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i have owned several 308's til i discovered 7mm RM, but my all time favorite was my 308 browning blr
Welcome @Joe Bob Briggs.
I've got two 308's - Omark 44 single shot target rifle, converted to F/TR for 300-1000yds targets.
Second one is a Parker Hale Safari deLuxe - oldie but a goodie.
I reload for both and they shoot better than I can - even though the target rifle barrel was last shortened/reset in 1994, by Mike Collings of NZ.
There is some 'sensitivity' here to the incremental removal of firearms from law abiding, licensed firearms owners by Gov't's since 1898, when the first Arms Control Act was made law.
The recent event in Christchurch has triggered some hastily cobbled together additional controls by the current Gov't, under extreme pressure and misrepresentation from the current anti-gun Police Management.
This has increased the sense of vulnerability that ALL law abiding licensed firearms owners/users, while the criminal/gang community seem to have escaped without any additional resources being activated to achieve removal of firearms/increased punishment from those outside the law.
A 2A type Constitutional law would allow some redress, however, we have only a Bill of Rights, which doesn't (if I recall correctly), protect the civilian population's right to "keep and bear arms".
Anyway once again kia ora me tenā koutou (hello and welcome).
There a PITA to zero. You can only adjust the front sight post. I filed down a pair of tweezers to fit and went to it. The paddle wheel must have been out because you could zero on one setting but it would be out on the others. Then next time you fired it it would be out again.
First one I had was spot on all the time.
They kick but you never notice recoil on a hunt so no drama.
Sent from my SM-G390Y using Tapatalk
308's rock! ...nearly as much as .223's :P
60% of mine are destined to a new life as baked bean cans and electric shavers... :(
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[QUOTE=Joe Bob Briggs;837344] but do you have the same feelings when Jay Leno shows off a nice car with his vast car collection in the background? .[/oQUOTE]
Who is Jay Leno ? Is he somehow relevant ?
ok here is a serious question for you...strait up dinky die serious
you know/pretty sure those things of beauty are going to be removed from your posession and we all hope the govt will pay a reasonable amount for them....its going to hurt like stink.....
now IF you KNEW that instead of being melted down and turned into baked bean cans...they were going to go into armory of the NZ armed forces for thier use...would it make the pain a little less????
man we could have the best equiped military in the world...accuracy wise anyway.... I mean the taxpayer will be forking out the $$$$ so why cant they be repurposed where the taxpayers $$$$ would be used anyway...
those that are fit for purpose,issue them,those in obsure calibre store securely for a "just in case" moment and those that are past thier use by date could be stripped of usable bits and buried with dignity....
For me @Joe Bob Briggs my Favourite 308 is the Springfield M1A
No need to be rude to our American visitors here. Sure, a lot of them, usually, the less informed and untraveled ones, think they're the greatest country in the world, greatest this and greatest that. Some of them even think they're only free country in the world. Those that think that are just ignorant about the world and lets face it, we have more than a few ignorant Kiwis too. As a country and a people they do have a lot to be proud of. Overall though, they're just the same as us. Freedom loving and generally very friendly, decent people.
Only had 2 my omark and a valmet i had for a while liked them both
A lot of people being proper dickheads in this thread, and none of them are the original poster. Some people need to pull their heads out of the arses.