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Thread: Firearms Protest Events December 6th and 7th

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Exclamation Firearms Protest Events December 6th and 7th

    Here are the details. Please make an effort to attend.

    Name:  79140882_10159009784024392_2536405357698220032_o.jpg
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    canross likes this.
    "An experienced shooter of limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm." -Hitman: Blood Money newspaper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Protests don't achieve anything. Quite often whether intended or it makes it worse for the cause you are trying to protest about. Waste of time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Have you seen the reaction via TV...... a lot of sniggering behind hands, is my opinion. I dont think it portrays the shooting fraternity well, its hard to "ramp up" a firearms protest too ....then it just escalates via media into "shocking" and "threatening" behaviour

    I think public meetings such as what is happening in Tauranga tonight are a more realistic way forward.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Lets just curl up and die
    tetawa, canross and Jewcati like this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  5. #5
    Member coltace's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    why the fuck are we supposed to be protesting outside a school? this is how you make yourself look bad. You decide to move it outside the PMs electorate office I'm in.
    Blisters, rewa and 264 magic like this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    Lets just curl up and die
    its a hard one if we cant get media onside
    personally i will never fly air nz as a form of protest n i let them know,,if you take the dollars from the big boys they will soon note their displeasure with the authorities

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    Lets just curl up and die
    its a hard one if we cant get media onside
    personally i will never fly air nz as a form of protest n i let them know,,if you take the dollars from the big boys they will soon note their displeasure with the authorities

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Jafa land
    Quote Originally Posted by coltace View Post
    why the fuck are we supposed to be protesting outside a school? this is how you make yourself look bad. You decide to move it outside the PMs electorate office I'm in.
    Jacinda is going to be there.
    canross and sightpicture like this.

  9. #9
    Member coltace's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    I know she's going to be there, but a school? jesus, do the math, you want to be seen right?, do you think people are going to be sympathetic to our cause if we protest about guns at a fucking school? I would no more protest a children's school than children's hospital. The PM doesn't care about us, she has made that clear, so you're not doing it to make her change her mind, so you must be doing it for the media to see you right? So why in gods name would you want to do it in front of a fucking PRIMARY SCHOOL!

    THINK OF THE OPTICS........ put these two words together and ask a member of the public to make a sentence with it and see what you get : GUN - SCHOOL

    Or worse yet, get a Liberal Journalist to give you one....
    Last edited by coltace; 05-12-2019 at 01:40 PM.
    Konev and Steve123 like this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by coltace View Post
    I know she's going to be there, but a school? jesus, do the math, you want to be seen right?, do you think people are going to be sympathetic to our cause if we protest about guns at a fucking school? I would no more protest a children's school than children's hospital. The PM doesn't care about us, she has made that clear, so you're not doing it to make her change her mind, so you must be doing it for the media to see you right? So why in gods name would you want to do it in front of a fucking PRIMARY SCHOOL!

    THINK OF THE OPTICS........ put these two words together and ask a member of the public to make a sentence with it and see what you get : GUN - SCHOOL
    I agree. It is creating a scenario that could come back to bite us.....
    Konev likes this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Absolutely stupid location for the protest. Writing submissions etc is a way more productive way to get your point across. I really hope no one turns up for these as it will be way more harmful to firearms owners. Not well thought out, very knee jerk reaction.
    Konev and Blisters like this.

  12. #12
    Member Puffin's Avatar
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    May 2012
    I'm going to keep on hijacking these types of threads, and each time the message will be the same:

    Written submissions to the Select Committee on the Arms Amendment Bill are over. Submissions in person are wrapping up (if they haven't already).

    Labour and Green will not be moved on this.
    National and ACT will oppose.

    Sure, discuss 'til the cows come home who you will be voting for November next year as a protest vote. It won't make any difference to whether the Bill is passed. National will repeal legislation around employment conditions, resource consent etc... the usual. They won't touch arms legislation again - even if they vote against it in the current parliamentary term.

    For now the happiness continues...

    Name:  happy happy joy joy.jpg
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    All of our attention should now be directed at New Zealand First.

    The only person who can derail the Arms Amendment Bill from this point forward is the Rt. Hon. W. Peters.
    NZ First need points of difference to separate them from the other two coalition partners. His recent speech to the Party Conference reiterated this. There is real danger for NZF as a coalition partner to be seen as too compliant, not having their own identity, given that the NZ First support base was split close to 50:50 on whether they should have supported Labour or National.

    It is Winston who decides which issues are the points of difference. We've already seen this with Capital gains, Refugee quotas, Crown/Maori relations, and now Tobacco excise tax. We've seen how this works; the "Agree to Disagree" clause. We need Winston to decide that it is in his - and the Party's - best interests that NZ First oppose the Arms Amendment Bill in anything like its current form. We need Winston to put his foot down on this one. See below: Serious Winston. We need Winston looking like this when he tells the Country that the Arms Amendment Bill is completely unworkable and that NZ First will not be supporting it through its second reading.

    Name:  serious winston means business.jpg
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    If you are going to write to anyone, write to NZ First.
    If you are going to protest an event, protest one of Mr. Peter's events.

    Be aware that for now Winston's office is re-directing correspondence on the Arms Amendment Bill to the Minister of Police. This, in spite of him being the Minister for Disarmament. Clearly the Coalition currently view the Police as those who should be creating this law as well as enforcing it. This needs to change. When you write to any of the NZ First MPs - particularly the Rt. Hon. W. Peters - be sure to include that the letter is written to him in his role as either the Minister for Disarmament, or as the Leader of NZ First and on a Party matter, and not to an MP in their party spokesperson or unrelated ministerial roles.

    Acknowledgement now given to the original source of these two fine photographs, since permission to reuse was not obtained prior to posting.
    Last edited by Puffin; 05-12-2019 at 04:12 PM. Reason: addition
    canross and 2post like this.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Jafa land
    Quote Originally Posted by coltace View Post
    I know she's going to be there, but a school? jesus, do the math, you want to be seen right?, do you think people are going to be sympathetic to our cause if we protest about guns at a fucking school? I would no more protest a children's school than children's hospital. The PM doesn't care about us, she has made that clear, so you're not doing it to make her change her mind, so you must be doing it for the media to see you right? So why in gods name would you want to do it in front of a fucking PRIMARY SCHOOL!

    THINK OF THE OPTICS........ put these two words together and ask a member of the public to make a sentence with it and see what you get : GUN - SCHOOL

    Or worse yet, get a Liberal Journalist to give you one....
    I am not justifying the protest. Just telling people why that is the location.
    canross likes this.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    i never thought ron marks would vote for this crap

  15. #15
    Member Puffin's Avatar
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    He's not at all happy about it. His priority though has to lie with the Defence Force and seeing the $20 billion upgrade plan put in place. I can understand that. Anyhow... it is Winston who will ultimately call the shots on this one, as applies to all things NZF.



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