Honestly value for the money buy a howa mini in 6ARC (or honestly 223 with a fast twist might be better and can buy dirt cheap practice ammo). They are both a more than adequate hunting cartridge and has accurate factory ammo with projectiles that work well on game at further than most have any business shooting. It also has very light recoil and if you decide to upgrade you can either buy a nicer Stock etc or just sell it for a minimal loss and buy something else.
The in a 16inch barrel a 6ARC shooting 108 elds or 223 with the 73 elds in the hornady match ammo is a good killing round out to about 450 odd yards for the ARC and 350 for the 223. The shooter is realistically the limits. If you ever genuinely need more than that step up. So many over gun themselves.
The howa minis are kind of agricultural but they simply work. With a few small mods they are great. The money saved can go towards suppressing it. They are much easily to sell than more expensive rifles as well.
I will note that since I downgraded to 223 I have killed more animals that with any other chambering and haven't felt I lost anything at all. I have shot game past 500m and as close as 30 yards. I have been able to spot almost every shot even positional and often because ammo cheap I can hit them with a followup before they realize what's going on. I honestly think at longer range the ability to make a fast followup or correction based on observed impact is way more important than extra energy etc.
PS: the 223 is the missus favorite rifle by alot as it has no kick and is fun to shoot. It's used to be the 22lr but the 223 is more accurate so that makes it more fun even on targets and especially on steel.