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Thread: First Rifle For Lad

  1. #76
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    I could have a suggestion but unfortunately its only any good if you reload and there is already a multitude of other cartridges that will all do the same thing.
    Brass would be free since you already have a 223.

    otherwise get a terminator brake fitted to the 270 and buy 2 pairs of good earmuffs and have at it
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  2. #77
    Member SlimySquirrel's Avatar
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    I'm actually gonna go and load up some 58 vmax in my .243 to around 2900 and see how they go because of this thread! Also, just picked up some of the 95gr deer season from Winchester... Looks like it's a got a big tip...

  3. #78
    A Good Keen Girl Dougie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oraki View Post
    He's still a couple of years away from licence. He's saving up for his first vehicle and sleeps with the firearms code under his pillow. So at this stage, he can't go anywhere without me. That's why I'm thinking along the lines now of 243, and my one for "that" shot. I'll be trying to install the thought process of get as close as you can, and then another 50m closer. If they can shoot animals with a bow at close range, you can do it with a rifle. That's what stalking is all about. If the animal spooks, work out why, and get it right next time
    I think that's an excellent idea.

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  4. #79
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oraki View Post
    He's still a couple of years away from licence. He's saving up for his first vehicle and sleeps with the firearms code under his pillow. So at this stage, he can't go anywhere without me. That's why I'm thinking along the lines now of 243, and my one for "that" shot. I'll be trying to install the thought process of get as close as you can, and then another 50m closer. If they can shoot animals with a bow at close range, you can do it with a rifle. That's what stalking is all about. If the animal spooks, work out why, and get it right next time
    Similar to my son who has just turned 16 and finishing his licence at mo'. I started him on a 223 then my 6x45 which is a mild version of a 243. We have stalked in on deer close enough for him to make a good killing shot with success. 243 factory ammo is available in various loads including 80gr which would be mild for him to use and feel confident.

  5. #80
    Member mucko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oraki View Post
    I know it's going to start a cock fight, but looking at getting a rifle for my boy. Everything I know about ballistics etc is either self taught or read, so it's fair to say I don't know a lot. I'm biased towards another 270,(it was the first one I got myself 25yr ago), but prepared to look at other options. Not after a long range rig, more something that will do the job possibly out to 400m. I believe if you have to range and adjust scope, it's to far out, get closer. I don't reload, so easy,accessible caliber choice please. Got a 223, so have the smaller game sorted, after a red deer, tahr caliber.
    Shot placement is crucial, so I know that a bigger gun isn't going to be the golden egg. But after dropping a Fallow the other day at 175m, I had a crack at his mate at 60. It struck the bone and veered off. It took a while to catch up and dispatch. Bang flop is what I'm after, hence something bigger.
    So I'm after something that's not to hard on the shoulder(he's a slight build),not to hard on the pocket ammo wise, and a size which is readily available. I'm prepared to eat humble pie if 7mm08 is suggested, only to make it as enjoyable for him as possible
    He has shot the 270 successfully, but see him tense up during the shot, so am thinking maybe something else. Only other rifle we've got access to is a 303 with brass buttpad, so I've got nothing really to compare to or play with.
    I'll get my popcorn and read with interest.
    6.5x55 even with out the add on wizardry is an excellent beginner cartridge. great knock down out to 400 yards and soft on the shoulder. its a caliber that will provide for the table without developing bad shooting habits and be a pleasure to shoot with.
    Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering https://www.facebook.com/aimnzengineering/

  6. #81
    Member mucko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 25/08IMP View Post
    Which ever you go for put a can on it I think the 7-08 is the better option if you don't reload. This is the way I went with my son after starting out with a .223.

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    why do you people feel you have to reload the 6.5x55 theres plenty of very good ammo on the shelf
    Grim likes this.
    Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering https://www.facebook.com/aimnzengineering/

  7. #82
    Member mucko's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=oraki;526402]I agree with aim for the big bit. This fella is a very experienced varmitter, and has an absolute tack driver of a 223. I don't question the rifle in his hands but the head is very small for beginner.
    Googling recoil says the 6.5 is more than 243, but as you say download and build up. Much easier 25 year ago. Was only 243, 270 & 308 on the shelf that I could afford. I went middle of road, and it was ducks nuts then.
    I'll try and hook up with you guys again at some stage.
    Should get membership to the new range as well. But 6 minutes drive is along way........[/QUOTE @oraki if recoil is a concern fit a limbsaver, I have one on my 264 WM with a light trigger and it is a pussy cat to shoot. they really do make that much difference. buy a old carl gustov 6.5x55 fit a limbsaver your .22 will have more recoil. people often suggest fitting a can or brake to reduce recoil when you only need to reduce the felt effect for about $80 a limbsaver all day you can always wear ear muffs if its to loud.
    Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering https://www.facebook.com/aimnzengineering/

  8. #83
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oraki View Post
    He's still a couple of years away from licence. He's saving up for his first vehicle and sleeps with the firearms code under his pillow. So at this stage, he can't go anywhere without me. That's why I'm thinking along the lines now of 243, and my one for "that" shot. I'll be trying to install the thought process of get as close as you can, and then another 50m closer. If they can shoot animals with a bow at close range, you can do it with a rifle. That's what stalking is all about. If the animal spooks, work out why, and get it right next time
    That is what I did with our @TimeRider. She is rather slight on it, heck she makes me look fat as those at the Toby Memorial shoot could attest. Bought her a 243 and suppressed it as it is just about as much about the noise as it is the actual recoil. She loves it and unfortunately with @kiwi39's assistance she shot gongs out to 585y with it. Oh, and she was immediately asking where the next one out was. Something easy to shoot encourages more shooting.
    oraki likes this.
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  9. #84
    270 King of the Calibres oraki's Avatar
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    Well after much reading and discussion, the rifle I arrived at was a suppressed 243. It was duly found and purchased. It was probably more than I wanted to spend, and the buyer probably sold it to cheap. He put a couple of shots through it on paper and was happy. The real test came weekend just gone.
    After climbing so high that we(I) needed oxygen, some tahr came into view. After abit of a stalk in, a position was found and the shot made. Bang, flop. Perfect.
    To say we were happy is an understatement. He reckons he didn't feel it , or hear the bang. Once again just what we were after.
    Thanks to all who gave advice and recommendations. 2 happy hunters

  10. #85
    270 King of the Calibres oraki's Avatar
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    And since I've got my end sorted out with what we're happy with, let the cock fight start.......how I got the wrong one, wrong brand, colour................
    I don't care, bring it on

  11. #86
    Member SlimySquirrel's Avatar
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    Picture required before we can commence the Pooh throwing!

  12. #87
    270 King of the Calibres oraki's Avatar
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  13. #88
    Join Date
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    nice suppressed 243 cant go wrong for a young falla plenty of grunt if hes a good shot
    only advice I would give is you need to know his abilities as hes going to want to shoot but don't let him if if its to far and hes not confident ya don't want to go wounding shit accidents do happen but you know what I mean
    Last edited by rambo-6mmrem; 10-11-2016 at 11:28 AM.

  14. #89
    Member SlimySquirrel's Avatar
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    Seems to work just fine!



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