a mate has one of them (300wm supressed) when i 1st met him he didnt like it. it shot like 3 inches at 100 yards useing hornady 150gn ammo and the trigger wasn't great he can shoot where he lives so i helped him out 1st we swiched ammo from 150gn hornady to 180gn fed blue box which he realy didn't want to do as hornady is the best ammo money can buy and how can a cheeper ammo shoot better had to explane its about what the rifle likes that got it down to 1.5 inches at 100yards then as itts a plastic stock which is quite flexable i got him to remove the bi pod as i thorght that may be an issue got it down to an inch off the bags then he had the trigger worked by the smith and it now shoots under an inch not only that hes saveing $30 per 20rounds
they are a nice rifle and shoot well just his one took some playing arround to find what worked