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Most people couldn’t achieve groups like that with an open sighted target rifle, let alone a flintlock. Kudos.
Or even with a scope :D
You must have a hold like a cement block!
LOL, Zen And The Art Of Rifle Shooting.....thats only at 50 metres though. You know when you've flinched thats for sure, the bullet goes a foot down and a foot to the right
I admire your penmanship! Looks period correct!
Do you shoot in a traditional way, what with the rifle cradled across your chest?
Even your hand writing is nice. I saw some nice three and I think they call them five ring muskets in Tepapa some time ago if I found a replica and I had the money I'd like to give it a go. Thanks for posting hope there are more like it out there.
Very nice as always, excellent results there!
There’s a nice Pedersoli on Trade me at present, cheap enough as well. Nice rifle, I love shooting BP, but big cartridge guns only now!!
Excellent shooting a very nice looking long arm! I remember reading a book on muzzle loaders a long time ago from the CH CH library and the accuracy of some of these guns was amazing sorry I can't remember the name of it now after seeing this post I would really like to read it again.
Attachment 93940
These days the Muzzleloaders are my first go to guns, that one is a Thompson Center 50cal Hawken. Home cast ball, homemade Black Powder... probably about 2c a shot.
What a nice bit of firewood on that thompson
Pretty normal to have to file the front sight almost to nothing on these Pedersoli Kentuckys. They do have straight shooting barrels though. Was this one on T/M a few weeks ago selling from Otago somewhere?
Just re read what you typed. You mean a foot down and right when you flinch. They do call them a Flinchlock for a reason.
I don't flinch with it as a general thing, but if I have a misfire, like if the flint gets blunt, and it doesn't go off, then after that I will have flinches I have to wilfully control. I suspect I may find it harder to shoot offhand because of the slight delay I think. I have it shooting pretty quick though. I will have to practice that more.
I bought this one new and did the stock carving myself. Didn't look right without some carved decoration from the period. I also changed the shape of the buttsotck, which had an unsightly hump on it for some reason, which had always put me off getting a Pedersoli Kentucky rifle, because it just looked wrong. But I figured I could correct it myself, and now the buttstock shape looks right to my eye for a roman nose style long rifle.
The gun shoots to point of aim at 50 metres as per those targets, I am using a six oclock hold there. I could make it shoot higher, and may yet.
What kind of quality powder are you making? What kind of load are you using -how many grains will give you the equivalent of 80 grains of Holy Smoke 3F for example? How much fouling does it have?
Also what do you use for flints and what kind of life do you get out of them, they are bloody expensive down here. I am wondering if I can use obsidian and make my own, which gave rise to the notion of making my own from bottle glass. I looked that up and found records of people doing that in the old days too, not sure how may shots you would get from glass.
One of those cerium firestick/ firestarters will work and last for ages evidently.
If you have a look on the Fishnhunt forum My black powder recipe is on there in the Black Powder hunting section. I use about double the thrown flask amount per shot as mine is not compressed to get the Fg sizes ( will shoot hole in hole so no constancy issues) . The idea of F granulation only came along when cartridge guns were invented. So I use a flask with a 40gr spout and throw 4 spouts for the T/C Hawken for about equal to 80gr FF. I use the same load in Pedersoli Kentucky and Pedersoli Hawken. For the 58 cal CVA Mountain rifle (pictured) I use 6 spouts for equal to 120gr FF and a bruised shoulder, certainly has a crunch when it goes off. Get your flints from Track of the wolf in the U.S.A , about $2us each plus freight. Much cheaper than Hayes at $20nz each!!!
Attachment 93941
Is that one of them Swedish sharpshooter Volvo slings?
For some reason I've lately been tempted to buy a Lyman Trade rifle (percussion) for goats and fallow. Just for fun and fancy. also; I'm trying to do a bit of the self sufficiency thing and thought it would be a nice nod to that. But mainly just because it seems to be a cool thing to try! A bit like preferring my old SMLE to my fancy pants 7-08....
You can do BP loads for your SMLE. Say, shooternz does and sells nice .312" 212grain lead pills.
D.P. .45Attachment 93967
60gr fff holy smoke under 128 ball or 240 conical.
Homemade 80gr ball only.
Old eyes = fuzzy sights.
Your hand writing is impeccable @Carlsen Highway, have you and your flintlock time-traveled from the 17th century?