Doc Watson reviewed one then bought the .280 immediately.
The thing is so damn accurate and light it's not funny.
think they retail $1400 usd so as a rule it's basically double over here?
There are a couple of solid reviews on them with Google fu ....
They look awfully similar to a NULA I imported a few years back. That gun was too light if that makes sense.
I think at that price they are great value considering a kimber montana is around 2400 with no rings and no hard case - the Forbes has both. I'm tossing and turning over one in .280 :cool:
Ooh, ooh, I want a 4 1/2 lb .416 Rigby!
I'll make Toby fire it prone! 😈
Yes I did buy one shortly after testing one in 270 win.
Iv built up plenty of custom light rifles and to be quite honest the Forbes rifle is actually fairly well priced.
You can't build one that light with the same weight/length barrel from a rem.
And if you were to try and match the rifle in a build it would more than likely end up costing more than 3k anyway.
I have done significant hunting and range work with both the Kimber mountain ascent and the Forbes 24b.
Both rifles are in the same price range, I prefer the stock lop on the Forbes rifle but both rifles shot very well.
I will say that Forbes need to fit a brake to the 24b, certainly in the magnums it will be of great benefit.
Originally Posted by
Do it!!
Gimp you are incorrect, this whole thread is confusing, along with many of the guys on it.
Nula rifles, made by Melvin Forbes. NULA cad $3500. (Granville west Virginia)
Forbes rifles, designed by Melvin forbes, (M20B and M24B), are completely different rifles. Forbes rifles Cad $1700-1800. (westbrook Maine)
The few NULA I have seen and handled are truly something special,
The Forbs rifles have been aviable in Canada for a while, and have not lived up to there hype, I know of several that were not made well and were sent back for repair, and that were much heavier that advertised, 1/2 kg or more.
Have a look on Alberta outdoors, and you will find sum dissapointed customers, I haven't heard may complaints of late, perhaps Melvin flew out and booted a few asses, its his reputation that sells the forbes rifles.
I arn't saying they are a bad rifle, but up hear the Kimber Montana is the same and the Sako finlight another $100, both are well proven.
If your able to get a NULA for 3 grand, I take a 280AI.
Forbes rifle junk - Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum
Gimp + Incorrect = Impossible.
How i understand it is the 20b and 24b etc are made buy titan
they are very similar (same action barrel and stock) i.e more generic but quite different from the custom forbes rifles they still build. Custom lop, cheek weld etc in the stock.
Haha yes I can see plenty of confusion.
If anyone wants - just google Forbes rifle and check out the history on them.
I can't be bothered going thru it all as it's quite long winded and confusing itself.
The Forbes Model 24B Rifle Story: Melvin Forbes, owner of New Ultra Light Arms , changed the entire rifle industry with his innovative ideas on ultra light weight hunting rifles. Now once again he has given the industry a reason to take notice with the introduction of a production version of his Model 24 rifle.
What is the going rate for a kimber Montana short action, and a finlight just for comparsion..
I couldn't find a kimber in NZ for sale.
bloody hell rifles are expensive in NZ,
I have spoken to Melvin forbs about a NULA, and it is pretty much a custom, you can choose caliber, length of pull, stock colour and any number of other options, I was looking at a .284, but bought a custom made Kimber in .260 for a bit less, (5.2lbs all up with 4 rounds.) includes lepould ultra light weight 3x9.
I meet a guy with a NULA in .460 weby, must have booted like a mule.
Kimber at action outdoors in napier $2200
Sako finnlight $2900
Montana $2050 from outdoorsupplies
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