Recently I put my Lithgow LA101 into a laminated stock - they reputedly shoot better in this one than the synthetic. My thoughts were that factory recommended action scew tension of 1.5 Nm (13.7 in lbs) was set for the synthetic stock as this is a very light value. In most cases a laminated stock will stand (and "like") quite a bit screw tension.
So today wasn't too bad here for a quick test. The rifle definitely responded well to more screw tension and when I got to 20 in lbs the attached 10 shot group with the Eley club shows the result. I know this batch of Club to be exceptional and save it for tests like this.
Recently there has been a bit of Norma Tac-22 in the shops and I got a couple of bricks to test. The results speak for themselves, it is very good ammo, but just not held to the same tolerances as a top performing ammo. This is illustrated by both group size and distribution, most rounds forming a tight cluster (like the Club) but a few looser rounds hanging off.