Hi friends,
So, I got myself an NHM90 in .223. Hold you applause. The only mags available are 5 rounders, and after some googling it looks like there is a way to convert them to seven rounds. In America they would trim about 1 inch off the follower to make them in to 10 rounders, so by my ghetto mathemications I need to trim 5mm off mine to make a 7 rounder, which is roughly where the scissors are in the photo.
Does this compute? Have I missed or screwed up something obvious? Any tips or "don't do it dipshit" words of encouragement?
Apparently all of the seven round 7.62x39 magazine available for x39 NHM90s were all factory converted from 5 rounderes this way. If someone here has a 7 round x39 mag they want to disassemble and take a photo of for me as a guide that would be great.