Going to the USA in May and need advice on bringing items back.
Hi All.
This is my first post. I've searched through the many different threads looking for some specific info in buying items in the USA and bringing them back with me. I've also been on the Firearms Safety Authority site and still can find what I'm look for.
Specifically, there is no definition for the word "IMPORT". The traditional meaning is that a person/business in NZ places an order overseas and has those items shipped here.
What about going overseas and buying an item and bringing it back as part of your check in luggage? This has never been considered importing. Over the years I've purchased Weber BBQ's, high end Mountain and road bikes, watches, etc. This is not considered importing and never has been. However, if I were to buy 20 sets of AirPod Pros and bring them in, this would be considered Importing as it is for commercial purpose (or they could be X-mas present for family. LOL). I'd be taking the chance of not having my bags X-rayed. If they did, and I had claimed on my arrival card that I had nothing to declare, I'd be stung with Customs Clearance, import duties, GST and a fine because the premise is it was for commercial gain. 1 or 2 would be fine.
So, I'm heading to the USA in May for an immediate family member graduating from the US Military Academy at Westpoint and want to bring a couple of things back to NZ. Cadet's at The Academy are on "active military duty" and get many benefits. One of which is military discounts on scopes, rifles, etc. So, if I buy one while there, I'm not sure if I need to apply for an import permit and/or just inform the necessary authorities. I'm a dual citizen so canleglaly acquire there and here.
Any advice you have would be great. If it is too much hassle to bring a rifle back, I'll just buy a scope there.
Thanks in advance.