The only way it would be a keeper for me is if it has historical/ex military value where a bad barrel may diminish the value but depending upon the rifle not destroy the value entirely as a collectable. As far a shooter goes you cannot make a silk purse out of it once it has become a sow's ear. No amount of cleaning and coppering it up will fix it now. The ole 30s for example that shot great with buggered barrels are just good stories/folklaw. I have seen 30s with claims like that (and similar condition barrels to the photos posted) where once the owner was pressed to demonstrate claimed accuracy the rifle couldn't hit a target at 100yd or if he did the projectiles went thru sideways. Once upon a time there used to be a 30 hanging on the back of every wash house door at farmhouses - never cleaned after firing. (@rossi.45 I have no idea of the degree of buggerdness of your example) If the desire in this case was to buy a shooter the time to get rid of it is as soon as possible. Messing around firing it will just delay the inevitable and add further expense with money wasted on ammo. The only amazing thing is the crown appears relatively intact so it may initially fire some shots into a reasonable (large) group b4 it spits the dummy.