Grendel is only a monster compared to the 223. I hope no one is recommending 233 for a first deer rifle. 308 is a bit meh in trajectory compared to almost every other popular hunting cartridge. A 20“ barrel would improve the performance of the Grendel well. But you’d be better off ballistically and for weight and size using an 18“ 308 and you could run 120gr bullets To reduce recoil.
Looking at factory rifles, Matthias and I have custom rifles based on sako vixen actions. These were originally 222 then 223 but they made a version in 6mm PPC which never really established itself possibly because PPC were really only popular in bench rest and I suspect the feed was never very good. Mine fits 5 in the mag but only feeds 3. I came to the same conclusion as @7.62 regarding howa and CZ although they would both be just fine for many.