I just called up the Hamills shop on the Hutt road in Wellington and got told it will be changing into Gun City :o . Apparently in only about a week or so. What do you guys reckon about this??
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I just called up the Hamills shop on the Hutt road in Wellington and got told it will be changing into Gun City :o . Apparently in only about a week or so. What do you guys reckon about this??
Probably that they were struggling and need more products to sell to make more money .. Its got to be about sales/ money..
more discussion here:
http://sportshooter.co.nz • View topic - Gun city coming to Wellington
I'm not to worried as I neither live in Wellington or shop at Guncity.
Wtf, so has Brad sold up shop? :( They are a good bunch in there, I was looking forward to the new brands of chick gears they are getting in.
Yes Brad has sold up .
Opening officially on the 7th ( doing a refit at the moment ) .Lots (400 ish ) of guns and gear in there already and LOTS more to arrive .
87 hutt rd thordon
Stop in for a coffee, @Neckshot
It will be interesting to see how mainly hunting, Petone gun shop and Hutt city h&f fair with a new guy in town...
how much security?
Lots . Place was very secure ( and had no issues ever ) before and more has been added .
Brads left but the other staff have stayed on.
Thats at least something I suppose
Yeah well I'm not surprised considering they didn't have much stock in the hunting department. Better places to shop anyway.
When I lived in Christchurch there didn't seem to be much advertising going on.
Although they were certainly the most well know gun store, anyone serious into hunting still seemed to go to HnF, and anyone into long range type stuff went to Gun Works.
They don't have the majority of business in Auckland either I don't think. It seems serious hunters and shooters don't seem to like the place much, so hopefully they wont drive out all the competition in Wellington.
I hope so too ... there isnt any really, apart from Mainly Hunting (who are just around the corner)
I dealt with Hamills coz they were great guys, good knowledge, and ok prices. So its always handy to be able to drop in and pick up something you needed and have a chinwag. Same deal with Mainly hunting
HnF in Petone ... too far away ...
HnF Otaki .. owned by an arrogant pr*ck - will never deal with them again despite them being 10 minutes from my place door to door.
Dead Eye Dicks in Levin .. too far away ..
So now I just deal with Reloaders and Workshop Innovation .. you have to think about your purchases in advance, and wait a day or two, but that's not a bad thing ...
Yep same here I buy anything online if I cant get the best price in local shops, I don't have any loyaly to any shops and I don't bother with the local hunting and fishing either ( do visit others on occasion). Although if I do need something in a hurry or its too small to worry about price then its deadeye dicks or mainly hunting I will go.
Will be interesting to see what the new gun city will be like in terms of differnet stock and decent prices
I don't really have any money to buy anything, I just went to Hamills to talk shit to their staff :) not been to Mainly Hunting but will probably make them my new go-to-retailer for getting stuff shipped to for reviews. Local owners, eh? Not a chain?
Ben who will be running GC Wellington is a top guy and I would say the best they've got , he's a real hunter and knows his stuff , I would give them a fare go before you tar them with that brush .
Yeah give em a chance, before you start fling'in. wait and see
One funny thing though, I went into that Hamils earlier this year & it looked the biz, until I went into the gun area & there was a "sks shit box" under a spot light blahahaha GC should fit right in :D
Problem with Mainly hunting is they are never friggen open when I come calling in the weekends :(
Yep I have the same problem.. but hey staff need time to get out and do a bit aswell
Must be problems with the Hamills chain? Jeremy in Hastings got out too. Gone solo not Gun City.
petone gun shop is the one I have stuck with, they dont open weekends but fair enough they want to get out and about too.
good prices too
Newstalk zb wellington is discussing gun cities advertising this morning. Listen here:
Newstalk ZB Wellington - 1035 AM Wellington - Listen Online
Ah jeez, started yesterday morning with some old duck with her panties in a twist.
Tim Fookes is such a drama queen, listening to his "outrage" should be good for a laugh.
Gun city were in Wellington before but didn't last long
I popped in there today. They are still moving in, so was a bit of a shambles. Opening sale this weekend.
Staff seemed pleasant and helpful. Clientele looked a bit different to what I see in mainly hunting. Leather jackets, pony tails, big sheilas. :thumbsup: Plenty of black guns, shit ammo and some nice stuff. Saw a nice gun bag.
But I will stick to Mainly Hunting. They have served me well. No real reason to not be loyal.
yeah lack of stock puts me off.. especially when its advertised on sale etc.
Ya Petone gun shop is where I had been getting my stuff from so far as the price is reasonably good and the guy there is fairly nice all the time and lets me feel the new guns knowing that I have just gone there to get ammo..
GC is having a sale this weekend 7-8th and if you happen to hop in there to check dont forget to take the brochure which you got in your mail box to get a free cap..lol
Petone gun shop is open on saturday mornings.
I'll go have a look at gun city but doubt Ill ine up at the door for the $1 gun.
Yep Brian, I remember gun city in wellington on Victoria St......about 25 years ago.
Just had geeze at the shop!! busy busy busy.Quite a few cheap fire arms shop isn't fully stocked yet but seams like a good shop,good luck wellington Gun city.
I think the Zatavas are cheap, but everything else pretty much matches all other shops