Any ideas appreciated, price range is anywhere to $250. Thanks fellas
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Any ideas appreciated, price range is anywhere to $250. Thanks fellas
Try piercing thr darkness.
Advertised on here.
I got a small green led torch that punches well above it'd weight and it wasn't 250.
It was something like 130ish with 2 batteries, charger and scope clamp thingies.
White one would go even further.
250 from him would be something pretty cranky
Iv got bigger ones but the single 18650 rechargable torches that Piercing the darkness sells are great
I have a pair of them and just keep the second in my pocket
I use the covey C8 size but it looks like its currently out of stock
Hunting and fishing sells these for ....
They work
No idea what they retail for but ive got a maxtoch on mine and its awesome, bought it second hand on here many moons ago
I've got a couple of maxtoch and 1 convey.
The maxtoch are twin 18650 powdered and I can scope mount but I normally use them for spotting and use the c8 in a magnetic mount that I stick to the end of my barrel just behind the suppressor.
Def rate this wee torch!!
The magnetic mount....
@cambo what Game are you using convoy c8 on? and the magnetic mount doesn't effect the gun harmonics?
Just reading over a few old post trying to work out what am wanting to buy
years ago gadgetman kindly gifted me a torch and velcroed rubber mount for night work .hells bells it was clamped on the barrel of the mighty escort s/a12guage and 3feral cats duckling killers caught in the act met their waterloo as they gazed at the beam.same mount also sees torch fit nicely on top of .22 scopes so master possum can receive his or her terminal contraceptive blow job!! I rejigged a surplus scope mount to serve the same purpose.
those torches were so robust i carried one on nighshift at the hospital for years ,and had quite a few staff approach me to buy one as supplied torches like a lot of govt stock were shit! My eldest son gifted me a set of LEDLENSERS but as yet aint tried them hunting altho both of very stout construction.
Have a look at this. I have one, very bright and good distance.
@RUMPY what game are you using it on?
yes what it's going on?
It used to be that a number where not up to repeditive recoil of a centre fire.
I know back then
used to modify them to better handle centre fire applications.
Ask him but now I think he brings in ones that are suitable from factory.
Haven't hunted with it @bigbear. Brought it for search and rescue jobs mainly.
I have a convoy torch from P.T.D also, amazing wee units. Use for deer on crop/new grass paddocks.