@ebee @Solo
I would highly recommend getting a midwest hand guard for it - they are lighter, allow you to use Mlok attachments like QD points and allow you to use a standard bipod (if you try to use one on the standard hand guard it wobbles). I think it is also much nicer in the hand than the standard hand guard. 55six sells them though I think they are out of stock at the moment.
I also got rid of my iron sights as I run a VX6 1 -6 and at 1 power it is a both eyes open shooter. Ditching the irons allowed me to put the scope on with Steiner lightweight low rings and subsequently I think I will get away without using a cheek riser - you may find the same with your 1-8 Viper @Solo
I just need to get a QD drilled into the stock so I can use my magpul sling side on and I think I will get one of those Wild West Trigger Happy kits from Brownells now that the ITAR limit has been raised - they lower the trigger pull to a crisp 2.5lbs apparently.
My 3030 Dark below: