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Thread: Gun Porn, show off your new toys

  1. #8761
    Member norsk's Avatar
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    Winchester 1873 in 44/40 Win

    Made in 1880 so I dont need a licence for it in Norway. The arse has well and truely fallen out of the classic gun market in Europe, great for the guy looking to add to their collection, heartbreaking for those who are sitting on collections that they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for.

    This gun cost me less than $1000NZD
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    veitnamcam, Bryan, Trout and 7 others like this.
    "Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"

  2. #8762
    Member Lucky's Avatar
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    Nice @norsk , what do you think had caused the classic gun market to crash and burn so bad ?

  3. #8763
    Member norsk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky View Post
    Nice @norsk , what do you think had caused the classic gun market to crash and burn so bad ?
    I think its a combination of factors that have finally reached a tipping point.

    1) Impending lead ban in Europe.You will have to make your own projectiles on a lathe if you want to shoot some of this classic stuff.

    2) Lack of demand.The Boomers are dying off and the interest in classic arms with them.Case in point Winchester Rifles,Boomers who grew up watching Cowboy films bought these guns few people want them anymore.A Winchester 1886,half magazine pistol gripped gun sold for $1200 recently,five years ago you could have at least trebbled that,maybe gotten close to $5K.I paid $5K for my takedown model.

    In addition the American market is getting harder and harder to service,despite the demand there for Millsurps its costly to get the guns there.It also suffers from a lack of interest in fine sporting guns.

    On top of this big game hunting ie Safari's are not really accepted anymore.As well as the fact that wealthy people are more likely to buy say a 416 Rigby bolt and barrel for their nice Blaser over investing much more in a double that they might only use the once. Rumors of bargin priced double Rifles have been around for nearly 10 years,I was offered one in 2015 on the condition that it was exported.Retailers in the UK cannot artificially hold up the market any longer,I know of a Gunsmith who won't take in any second hand guns at all,he chops up more H&H's than he can sell.He can't sell them.
    308 likes this.
    "Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"

  4. #8764
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    Quote Originally Posted by norsk View Post
    I think its a combination of factors that have finally reached a tipping point.

    1) Impending lead ban in Europe.You will have to make your own projectiles on a lathe if you want to shoot some of this classic stuff.

    2) Lack of demand.The Boomers are dying off and the interest in classic arms with them.Case in point Winchester Rifles,Boomers who grew up watching Cowboy films bought these guns few people want them anymore.A Winchester 1886,half magazine pistol gripped gun sold for $1200 recently,five years ago you could have at least trebbled that,maybe gotten close to $5K.I paid $5K for my takedown model.

    In addition the American market is getting harder and harder to service,despite the demand there for Millsurps its costly to get the guns there.It also suffers from a lack of interest in fine sporting guns.

    On top of this big game hunting ie Safari's are not really accepted anymore.As well as the fact that wealthy people are more likely to buy say a 416 Rigby bolt and barrel for their nice Blaser over investing much more in a double that they might only use the once. Rumors of bargin priced double Rifles have been around for nearly 10 years,I was offered one in 2015 on the condition that it was exported.Retailers in the UK cannot artificially hold up the market any longer,I know of a Gunsmith who won't take in any second hand guns at all,he chops up more H&H's than he can sell.He can't sell them.
    Totally agree on point 2, it's entirely valid for NZ currently with maybe an addendum for double rifles as there are bugger all here. Colts are stagnant price wise and the rough stuff has dropped a little. Winchester's are the same. The arse has fallen out of the classic bolt action and shotgun market. Yet milsurp remains strong albeit some drop in demand due to incoming registration. I think it's mostly due to generational shift in interest here too.
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  5. #8765
    Member norsk's Avatar
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    I think that also firearms were once an investment vehicle,nice Colts were appreciating 10% per annum when I bought mine in 2006,now as Gunnut states they are plateauing and the will also fall away.People cannot justify spending say £10,000 on a nice double with the idea that it will be worth the same or more when they come to sell it,you can't use steel in it so its actually worth FA now.

    Also when it comes to the collector type stuff,there are many countries in Europe where "Can" be possible to own full auto stuff but in reality it is next to impossible.It wasn't always so therefore there are some truely amazing collections here,however the red tape or straight out refusal to grant collectors permissions means that the spicy stuff gets cut up if it cannot be de-activated in a timely manor.Freight restrictions and costs for arms in Europe can be pretty high and security requirements pretty onerous.
    "Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"

  6. #8766
    Member Lucky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by norsk View Post
    I think its a combination of factors that have finally reached a tipping point.

    1) Impending lead ban in Europe.You will have to make your own projectiles on a lathe if you want to shoot some of this classic stuff.

    2) Lack of demand.The Boomers are dying off and the interest in classic arms with them.Case in point Winchester Rifles,Boomers who grew up watching Cowboy films bought these guns few people want them anymore.A Winchester 1886,half magazine pistol gripped gun sold for $1200 recently,five years ago you could have at least trebbled that,maybe gotten close to $5K.I paid $5K for my takedown model.

    In addition the American market is getting harder and harder to service,despite the demand there for Millsurps its costly to get the guns there.It also suffers from a lack of interest in fine sporting guns.

    On top of this big game hunting ie Safari's are not really accepted anymore.As well as the fact that wealthy people are more likely to buy say a 416 Rigby bolt and barrel for their nice Blaser over investing much more in a double that they might only use the once. Rumors of bargin priced double Rifles have been around for nearly 10 years,I was offered one in 2015 on the condition that it was exported.Retailers in the UK cannot artificially hold up the market any longer,I know of a Gunsmith who won't take in any second hand guns at all,he chops up more H&H's than he can sell.He can't sell them.
    Everything you said makes sense , full ban on lead will definitely make it harder , all but 2 of my rifles is a classic , I never started collecting them with the intention to make money , I just like them , even if they are worth stuff all in the future hopefully they will get preserved and not destroyed .
    Classic muscle cars I fear are going to go down the same route , the boomers are dying off and the younger generation is not that interested .
    Anyway we are going off track here , we should leave this thread now for posting your new toys .
    Micky Duck and dannyb like this.

  7. #8767
    308 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky View Post
    Everything you said makes sense , full ban on lead will definitely make it harder , all but 2 of my rifles is a classic , I never started collecting them with the intention to make money , I just like them , even if they are worth stuff all in the future hopefully they will get preserved and not destroyed .
    Classic muscle cars I fear are going to go down the same route , the boomers are dying off and the younger generation is not that interested .
    Anyway we are going off track here , we should leave this thread now for posting your new toys .
    A thread off track? In this forum?

    Just a note to what you were saying re classic cars - in the UK recently I met a guy who imports classic cars from the US, gets them done up to top quality by a garage in UK and stores them
    He's buying up secure warehouse space up north to store top spec classics, all in rows with those positive air pressure blowey bag cover thingies

    It sounds weird until you learn that there is no Capital Gains Tax in the UK on classic cars

    He used to be a property developer but is finding that he makes more money with the cars, bringing in corvettes by the dozen

    This may be the last gasp of a dying tradition and maybe cars will follow guns as being "out of fashion" but for the moment there are some economic reasons why a classic car is still in demand.
    Trout, erniec, Micky Duck and 1 others like this.

  8. #8768
    Member norsk's Avatar
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    I bought also a very handsome 4 Bore muzzle loader, this promises to be alot of fun on the clays.
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  9. #8769
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    Quote Originally Posted by norsk View Post
    ,I know of a Gunsmith who won't take in any second hand guns at all,he chops up more H&H's than he can sell.He can't sell them.
    geez if they cant get rid of them, i'd have a couple lol
    Moa Hunter and Micky Duck like this.

  10. #8770
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    Quote Originally Posted by norsk View Post
    I bought also a very handsome 4 Bore muzzle loader, this promises to be alot of fun on the clays.
    The artwork on these always look so good.
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  11. #8771
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    Quote Originally Posted by norsk View Post
    I think its a combination of factors that have finally reached a tipping point.

    1) Impending lead ban in Europe.You will have to make your own projectiles on a lathe if you want to shoot some of this classic stuff.

    2) Lack of demand.The Boomers are dying off and the interest in classic arms with them.Case in point Winchester Rifles,Boomers who grew up watching Cowboy films bought these guns few people want them anymore.A Winchester 1886,half magazine pistol gripped gun sold for $1200 recently,five years ago you could have at least trebbled that,maybe gotten close to $5K.I paid $5K for my takedown model.

    In addition the American market is getting harder and harder to service,despite the demand there for Millsurps its costly to get the guns there.It also suffers from a lack of interest in fine sporting guns.

    On top of this big game hunting ie Safari's are not really accepted anymore.As well as the fact that wealthy people are more likely to buy say a 416 Rigby bolt and barrel for their nice Blaser over investing much more in a double that they might only use the once. Rumors of bargin priced double Rifles have been around for nearly 10 years,I was offered one in 2015 on the condition that it was exported.Retailers in the UK cannot artificially hold up the market any longer,I know of a Gunsmith who won't take in any second hand guns at all,he chops up more H&H's than he can sell.He can't sell them.

    What will be the new material for your projectiles ?

  12. #8772
    Member norsk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No good names left View Post
    What will be the new material for your projectiles ?
    Bronze I think.
    A mate has acess to a cnc lathe, he has experimented with a few different metal types.
    "Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"

  13. #8773
    Member craigc's Avatar
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    Is it time to create a new sticky thread, ‘The Cam/Alpine Precision Fan Club’? 😀

    That thing is another piece of art, l wonder how many people, like me, are drooling now!

    Have you a projectile and load of choice for it?
    matagouri likes this.

  14. #8774
    Member Lucky's Avatar
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    @craigc , maybe run it past Cam , Im sure he won’t mind although I’m not sure if he is still building guns even anymore , there are a lot of owners of them on here though , he sure does build a sweet custom . 129LRAB going out the end of mine .

  15. #8775
    Join Date
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    That's sick. I want it. 😆



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