Nobody has yet managed to convince me that well fitting optilocks are in any way inferior to military fashion picitinny rings and rails, particularly on normal calibre rifles.
They have a better fit potential for sub 50mm scopes, lower weight or close than rails and rings, ascetically cleaner, no fitting hassles, self centering and non marking.
I prefer the one piece for weight and simplicity.
There is argument, if your scope choice is either large or long for alternatives, but outside that the objections to optilocks seem unfounded, I have never had problems with them, and the arguments for strength and reliabilty issues seem overstated.....
If you smash your rifle enough to move your scope, you have likely smashed your scope anyway.
It seems more a tactical fashion statement, than a solution to a problem that doesn't exist....
This opinion is worth precisely what was paid for it...... but thats just what I have found.....
