Have you visited the USA? Do you know any Americans? What does becoming "Americanised" actually mean?
Do you have any operational military or law enforcement experience or have you lived in high threat environment where carrying a weapon was necessary?
If not, there are several on this forum that have - I don't see what grounds you have to criticise equipment or methods if you've never been in a position to experience why these are necessary. Remember that these are people who are prepared, should the need arise, to do violence on your behalf... if they can get there in time that is.
From what I've read, nobody is attempting to glorify the killing of people. Ask anyone who has taken a life, unless they are a gangbanger, crack fiend, almost all will tell you that when it's done one feels sad and empty inside - it's not a good feeling. It is however interesting to read of other people's experiences in situations where violence is expected and often commonplace.
There's stuff on here I don't like or find interesting, I generally don't comment on it or try tell them that their views are wrong - I move on.
"Opinions are like arseholes..." If there was something sensitive or against the grain of the forum that the moderators took umbrage with, they'd moderate it.