Scope cleaned up nice :wtfsmilie:
November scratches and all :thumbsup:
It just doesn't seem right without the pig?
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Scope cleaned up nice :wtfsmilie:
November scratches and all :thumbsup:
It just doesn't seem right without the pig?
thats some impressive walnut right there - bet you wear white gloves handling it
Yeah it's a semi hog back stock, probably looks worse in the photo's than it is. Comes up bwety bit like a shotgun, Should make an awesome simulated field comp gun ( which is what a brought it for )
Looks a bit better in this pic.
Attachment 51883
Nice wood, no homo.
My new 50 :cool:
The Brake works well :)
Shoots OK so far :thumbsup:
Gotta love a 50 :D
See it in action in October? :D
So how many grains of powder would you use for a reload in that Greg????
RL50, 50BMG, ADI 2218, VV 20N29, US 869, are the ones to use, 8lb/4KG containers are the best to get :)
Won't be in a hurry to shoot it without the brake, even with the suppressor on it is a handful, ask this guy with my other one :thumbsup:
And I was under the impression there was no such thing as overkill. I might have just been proven wrong.
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Fuk me that thing was heavy & had a bite worse than a drunken Cobra's misses :whut:
bloody hell philipo paddy shot the hs50 and hit the 600 gong and he was only 9!
the look on his face after he pulled the trigger was priceless!
looked like somebody had snuck up behind him and booted him up the arse!
He didn't ask for another shot but was the only one to hit the gong for quite awhile!
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M7 wearing her new glass
Attachment 51936
What scope?
Cz 452 .22
Barrel cut to 14"
Dpt suppressor
Timmy trigger
Vortex crossfire2 2-7x32 scope
Attachment 51994
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Attachment 52237
Rossi Wizard .243 16 inch barrel & DPT suppresor. My new bush pig :thumbsup: