Remember a mate saying.....'if you could spend the night with a female cartoon character who would it be?'
I said 'Jessica Rabbit'.....he replied 'yeah?'.......'she's bang at it, she married a fukn rabbit'.......:sick:
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[QUOTE=HNTMAD;504456]Got a new skirt for my work horse[IMG]http://uploads.tapatalk well i have to admit when i first saw it i thought it looked a bit gay but i had to keep going back for another look and fuk yea that actually looks pretty shit hot it grows on you what kind of coating is it and how permanent is it :thumbsup:
[QUOTE=northdude;504616]It is hydro dipped, it will last as long as you look after it, this is a work horse and happy to do every couple of years really. To the point the wife said you not getting a new gun so each time you get it re dipped will be like a new gun. WTF
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Here is my latest Blaser R93 off-road in 7mm mag. The stock has been hydro dipped in a wood pattern. Put a Kahles 3-9x40 on it. Weighs just over 8lb. Looks like I can get a 162a-max to 2930fps.
Attachment 54134
Should be able to, my r8 pushes the 168 berger at 2916 with 71gr 2217
Yeah I found 71 accurate and fast enough for me so stopped there, I hate load developing.
i was wondering who took that puppy off trademe... picked up a great deal @stug
Hope I'm not being a jerk when I post some pics....
Here are five out of the six safes....
Number six is the same size and full of pistol cases.
^ Holy shit!
OMG Would be there for days playing ^
every burglar browsing this thread will have a stiffy right now
I don't play well with burglars.
My bump in the night kit.
Colt SBR, Glock 20 10mm, and a pissed off Boricua wife.
Haha nice.
Where abouts a you based?
Nope - Tallahassee.
Boricua definition. Wiki. From the Taíno name for Puerto Rico, Boriquen Boricuas were the natives who lived in what is known today as Puerto Rico (Borinquen). Boricua (Puerto Rican) means "Brave and noble lord". Borinquen means "Land of the brave and noble lords".
God Bless America for all the guns they have manufactured for us :thumbsup:
Sako finnlight 260
Vx6 2-12
Lapua brass has the 143eldx bloody screaming along into tiny groups.
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@BRADS I was thinking to myself, didn't you just sell one of those? But I see it was the wood stock version. Nice rifle. Won't get marked up by the customers so much.
Nice :D
Had to Show those pick to the missus to prove I need another rifle or 30
OK I'll let you in on a little secret tell any one and I'll have to kill you buy second hand rifles then once you show or the Mrs sees it just tell her what a good deal it was cause just the scope on it is worth what I paid for the whole thing works for me :D
Some people play golf, some collect stamps, some collect coins: there is no harm in going through a few rifles - you get more enjoyment out of a nice rifle than any other tool I reckon.:)