I might have a slight addiction....
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I might have a slight addiction....
New/old toy. 7mm338. Just been blacked out and development done with elds, pushing the 175's at 3250. Chucked a march on top. Goes good.
Attachment 54389Attachment 54390
I wish ours took ar15 mags
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I haven't added any new weapons on this page for a while:D But as R93 and others have said a rifle,gun or pistol is a weapon. Down here in New Zealand we use our weapons for hunting animals. Every morning I unlock one and carry it around on quad rack while at work and now gamebird season is over my weapon of choice is my .22.
A weapon, arm, or armament is any device used with intent to inflict damage or harm to living beings, structures, or systems. Weapons are used to increase the efficacy and efficiency of activities such as hunting, crime, law enforcement, self-defense, and warfare. In a broader context, weapons may be construed to include anything used to gain a strategic, material or mental advantage over an adversary.
While just about any ordinary objects such as sticks, stones, cars, or pencils can be used as weapons, many are expressly designed for the purpose – ranging from simple implements such as clubs, swords and guns, to complicated modern intercontinental ballistic missiles, biological and cyber weapons. Something that has been re-purposed, converted, or enhanced to become a weapon of war is termed weaponized, such as a weaponized virus or weaponized lasers.
wikipedia = always correct?
Is the bottom handgun a S&W 686? Can't believe how good the trigger is on those....most rifle makers should blush in shame.
Do you have a model 29? :D
Attachment 54624
The quote's wrong but we'll ignore that!
Have you visited the USA? Do you know any Americans? What does becoming "Americanised" actually mean?
Do you have any operational military or law enforcement experience or have you lived in high threat environment where carrying a weapon was necessary?
If not, there are several on this forum that have - I don't see what grounds you have to criticise equipment or methods if you've never been in a position to experience why these are necessary. Remember that these are people who are prepared, should the need arise, to do violence on your behalf... if they can get there in time that is.
From what I've read, nobody is attempting to glorify the killing of people. Ask anyone who has taken a life, unless they are a gangbanger, crack fiend, almost all will tell you that when it's done one feels sad and empty inside - it's not a good feeling. It is however interesting to read of other people's experiences in situations where violence is expected and often commonplace.
There's stuff on here I don't like or find interesting, I generally don't comment on it or try tell them that their views are wrong - I move on.
"Opinions are like arseholes..." If there was something sensitive or against the grain of the forum that the moderators took umbrage with, they'd moderate it.
If you want to talk about shooting people you are probably on the wrong forum Mate....
As a community the shooting community is finding itself being put more & more in the undesirable basket as far as society is concerned,
If we would like our grandkids or great grand kids to be able to use firearms for recreation whether its sporting or hunting we need to be more sensible about what we post & how we describe our firearms, like it or lump it firearm is a much less emotive term than weapon......
We really don't want to end up where our English or Aussie mate are....
BTW this forum doesn't have "Moderators" as other forums do.
Oh well I guess we can't ever talk about ANZAC day again then... Or any of the multitude of military topics that have been covered on this forum. You know, where people were killed...
Every one is allowed an opinion.Forums would be boring and topics would be too if no one agreed.;)
Truck gun with truck armor.
This is a truck gun
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@Rushy you can't be too careful in this day and age
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Have visited the States many times. Studied there. Uk. Europe.
We have done our bit, and made our sacrifices. Father was awarded the Military Cross for bravery. That experience and what followed in the Pacific ruined his life and greatly affected mine. And prejudiced me against some of the stuff that's being talked about here. Those are my grounds to comment.
I am not a combatant nor need to be, because I live in NZ. If called to, I'm too old now in any event. I have in the main dedicated my life to peace building, and that is my profession. I teach it, and do it.
Got to agree with Tahr - this and the other forum are being quoted more and more frequently in news articles. Not that I don't think military firearms are awesome, but bringing unwanted attention by discussing American truck guns/body armour/what guns we carry to kill people is asking for us to be viewed even worse here.
Much like when people put videos up of their dogs chewing the shit out of a pig instead of sticking it quickly. Just doesn't pay to bring that negative attention when already under scrutiny. Why make it easier for people to make the general public think we are nutters?
Too much bla, bla, bla and not enough new toys.