nice. hope you don't accidentally slip the 22 mag in the gun bag on your way to a deer hunt [emoji38]
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nice. hope you don't accidentally slip the 22 mag in the gun bag on your way to a deer hunt [emoji38]
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I know, I know a few people here who shoot Glocks, and I don't think anyone on this forum would take issue with a Kiwi posting a picture of their Glock, yet a Yank does it, without even adding a caption and people get all offended about concealed carry, the 2nd amendment, Trump, and god knows what else.
I might have posted this already but I took this little bush gun to the range today and the sights are bang on at about 50 metres (thanks to Gadgetman for the front sight), I took the cheap re dot off it but you can see how small it packs down.
Attachment 59213Attachment 59214Attachment 59215Attachment 59216Attachment 59217
Teensy! What calibre?
That take down is cool. The Bushnell TRS25 is a good cheaper red dot if you wanted another.
Current look of my AR
savage 112 BVSS , been pillar bedded , rifle basix trigger and 25.5 inch border barrel in 264 winmag...
Attachment 59499Attachment 59500Attachment 59501Attachment 59502
Early days as i bought the rifle second hand , tested some more with the 130 TMKs and Retumbo powder - 71 grains looking not too bad and running at 3250fps!!!
Attachment 59503Attachment 59504
Early Chrismas prezzie
A courier came today,second hand but immaculate.I already had the scope.looking good
I need a pig:)
Just got my rifle back this morning from Ken Henderson, wearing its new stock. Couldn't be happier, when I picked it up out of the box it made me smile as it's comical how light it is now. The stock and bedding is immaculate. With my VX6 and DPT with all five baffles it weighs 3.4kg, not bad for a 24" barrelled magnum rifle. Real happy :)
Attachment 59605
Will PM you Buzz
Milk prices looking up Ryan ;)
Latest Toy
Kimber Hunter in .308 chopped with a DPT.
Attachment 59662
A few pic's of my CZ's.
Latest (top) is a 550 chambered in 7x64 Brenneke with set trigger and 3 position safety. Need to start sorting out some loads for it
Centre is a 527 in 223 with set trigger. Shoots PPU 1/2" @ 100m with 2.5-8x36 VX3
Bottom is a 452 in 22LR. Shoots Win 1" @ 50m with open sights
I think all have nice wood. None of that yellow looking wash and no grain that seems to be around
All are date stamped with the same year
Attachment 59906
Attachment 59907
Attachment 59908
Attachment 59905
Attachment 59909
Attachment 59910
Attachment 59911
Attachment 59912
Thanks to @7x64 @Hendrik470 @madjon_
If anybody knows of a 9.3x62 for sale I would appreciate a heads up!
Beautiful mate, I got one in 6.5x55 which is awesome
nice looking guns @Fireflite. are the fore-end tips all metal?
@LOC the 550 & 527 are metal. The 452 (.22) is a matt plastic which is I suppose is due to cost cutting to meet the market. If they did make them in metal I would'nt mind tracking one down. Maybe the one off the 527 will fit? I'll give it a go!
Not a new rifle but she has a new dress.
A Stug carbon fiber one.
Picked the stock up on Saturday morning from Stugs place. Weather has been poos since I arrived home from work, so I only managed to shoot with it on, the last couple days.
Very happy with it.
As I carry it when hunting she has lost over a pound. Weighs just under 7 lbs with sling and cheek thingy.
7.5 lbs when set up as LR with HD 5 and DPT suppressor on.
When setup as .223 she is 7.3lbs.
Zero was no change from old stock and bang on. She shot as good if not better than normal.
Only 500ish grams lost but it is really quite noticeable.
Cheers @stug very impressed and happy. Hope to blood it after the weekend.
Rifle as carried and capable out to 250m due to optics and thick German 4 ret.
30 secs later and she is ready to shoot 3 times the distance.
Could stretch it way further but HD zero stop restricts me to 750m.
Finally have an accurate subsonic load for the .260 Ackley sorted as well, however it may only be good for head/neck shots due to projectile.
1060fps. Has 4fps ES:thumbsup: Shoots a ragged hole at 50 and around an inch at 100. Need 6MOA to reach 100 from 50.
Will try and take an animal with it soon.
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[QUOTE=R93;542188]Sorry mate I don't even know what that is
I drive a Hilux.
Sent from my SM
Same cab by the looks of it, Cummins diesel = Tunland only 30+K left in you pocket ;-)
You're not wrong but she works.
Never have had a use for a subsonic centerfire and probably still don't but it was fun sussing it out.
Most animals I see this time of year are pretty close so I will give it a go at tipping one over.
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