My Zeiss HD5 has a zero stop and still gives me 26moa of up ;)
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My Zeiss HD5 has a zero stop and still gives me 26moa of up ;)
Custom though
No. I get 15.5 MOA. Just checked. I remember losing the pin on the dial and fitting another
I spose you could notch the turret pin to allow another turn.
How did you do it? I could always go without the zero-stop but I would always second guess myself😆
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Shimmy shimmy yor shimy yeh shimy yay
Bought a new Versamax recently ..Had some work done on a mates mill,pics of the work done ...Think its come out mint!
Have added/parts fabricated as follows
10+1 Magazine Extension
Welded Lifter
Oversized Bolt Release Button
Oversized Bolt Handle
Match Saver
Nordic Follower
Trimmed Front Hand Guard
Attachment 59994Attachment 59995Attachment 59996Attachment 59997Attachment 59998Attachment 59999Attachment 60000
Damn you, I've been trying to ignore the gaping hole of no shotgun in the safe....
cool, I have the Versamax as well...
Don't know why the Lifter doesn't come like that from new... shed some blood in mine...
What length barrel on your versamax?
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Is a 28" Barrel ...
Should of said Mag Extension is a +6 ..... making Total capacity 10+1Rnds ;) ***Is E-Cat*** before someone has a fit :XD:
Porting has made dual and quad loading a lot smoother
I also fitted some "Antiwalk Pins(as in 1 pic), but I didnt like the look of the slotted finish , think a button hex finish would look better , might try source some .. then refit
Also ive tried adding small clip of mill doing its thing ... but seems im too PC Clueless :pissed off: LOL
My hands are too small for quad loading consistently.
My versamax is setup the same but with a longer follower and shorter barrel. Think I am 10+1
Only allowed 9 in to start in manual div anyway iirc.
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Twins :thumbsup:
Attachment 60011
Was offered a .280ai second hand/almost new but decided against it, went with a .243 :) If I go another one it will be a long action I think. Not sure if it will be 280ai, maybe 30-06.
.260 with a Zeiss HD5 3-15
.243 with a Zeiss Conquest 3-9 (by far my absolute favourite optic, and I've owned a few)
I see it pop up on trademe, I think 2 new Forbes in 3 months is enough for now, it would only be one to throw in the back of the cabinet for safe keeping to be honest, These two rifles will do everything I need and more.
Got to have a play with this today,new Sauer 404 in 300 WIN MAG
That looks sweet.
I probably got the same one in my hands the other day. The carbon stock finish would give the local kiwi stock manufacturers a good run for their money.
Nice finish on it, Thumbholes and chassis style stocks have always looked ugly as sin to me though and that's right up there...
Hi All ,
My first trip out for the season after some Roe does , no luck but lovely to be out!!
While out i thought i would take some better pictures of the 264 winmag!!
Attachment 60127Attachment 60128Attachment 60129
Have a good weekend!!
Razor I realise it is mostly double strap sling but you have made her look like a bondage victim in those pictures.
Bet the 264 WM makes a mess of a small deer like a Roe?
Is it some kind of walking drone :)
Well, its taken awhile but have got my 308 all set up for my bush and good mid range rifle now. Still got the 243 as the go to rifle, and will do the main work but for a change and areas where i want stretch the legs on animals my 308 will do the job nicely.
Started life bought Brand new as a Rem 700 SPS 24 inch barrel, fitted with a new Burris ii 3-9-40. I actually liked it, but grouping was average at 1.2 -1.3 groups. Scope performed well, esp in the bush, no complains and its best claim to fame was a eight pointer
Now its had a trigger job, done to a nice crisp 2lb. Stock got changed to a custom H S Precison Rem R5 stock.(fibre glass, carbon kelvar comp) with alum bedding blocks.
Totally free floating barrel, straight away groups went well under 1 MOA . Now fitted with my first Leupold, a new VX3i 3.5-10-40 CDS. Custom dial all set for 165sst and usable with 150sst if i dial down a fraction as POI is pretty much the same apart from a wee height difference.
With the Burris
Not long had the 264 winmag so yet to blood her so to speak!!
Plan to use her on Reds too!!!!
I have a nice load running at 3000fps that should be ideal for Roe , and another load that throttles up to 3300fps.
As for the sticks , once you get used to them , you can use as a double stick for a quick shot ( or offhand ) , or for a longer range shot set the double sticks out!!!
Not a boast , but have shot out to 800yds + standing with them on gongs - they are that steady!!!
There's more chance of me getting tangled up in that, hanging from the sticks whilst trying to take the shot.
On the plus side... Looks a great hammock sling...
Attachment 60246
Attachment 60247
Attachment 60248
Its chambered in one of these three choices :)
Let me guess , from left to right: 30-223 AI, 7 mm saum , 9.3/284.
6 mm saum
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