Ahh I got looked after, I think full retail is around 1k fitted.. there abouts.
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This is a Japanese martini,made at Toyko gun works with a 357marlin barrel. Another one from Collings and Bradymade in 1990.Sights are mauser.
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4.85 pounds, shit that is light. Is that with bolt? Is it 24 inch barrel?
Merry Christmas....
Hey, what's that in the corner?
Well hell, that looks likes a rifle!
It is! Mrs. Miami_JBT got me a CZ 527M in 7.62x39mm.
Snagged a December 1999 production HS 2000 for $275 at a pawn shop in the middle of no where Rural Florida.
For those that don't know; the HS 2000 was made by a company called IM Metal, in 2002 they signed a deal with Springfield Armory. SA became the sole distributor for the pistol and rebadged it as the XD and IM Metal changed their name to HS Produkt. This is a very early production gun in the XD line of pistols.
My Bunny busting rig wearing all her finery
Savage 17WSM
The maxtoch 2x just arrived today can't wait to try it out.
Attachment 61341
Sweet rig.
@spada you won't be disappointed with it!
my new toy which I got earlier in week reproduction 1873 trapdoor springfeild made by H&R 45-70 cal
Attachment 61477
WWII production Winchester. I got it and gave to my father in law for his 60th several years ago.
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@Tikka7mm08 Is it an E or A? Love it!
E. With 4 mags. Got the bayonet a while after.
Attachment 61510 another toy picked up for my mum while we were away
.22lr by the looks, going by the loading port size
Family photo
Attachment 61543
@Ryan_Songhurst love the blacked action one at the back...details?
Rem700 put together by Mitch Mayberry, 26" Shillen select match chambered 6.5-284, Terminator T2, Ken Henderson stock with alloy bedding block, 140 Amax @3000 fps (Lapua brass, N560)
I'm beginning to like her too!
What's the carbon stock on the Sako?
Wow!! They look awesome Ryan......
Hogue forend on the way.
It was installed at the factory in Serbia. Permanent modification to the receiver. It will never take 5.56 AK mags. I'm cool with that. Had a 5.56 Yugo AK. Was a pain in the butt. No standard on mags. With this.... I get all the benefits of a AK with the standardization of my AR mags. Also don't have to buy more mags. Rifle shoots nice.
Attachment 61720
1942 SMLE No.4 Mk1*.
My first "classic" rifle. Upon closer inspection it appears pretty beat up - a lot of the engravings have faded, the wood has been pretty scarred. Rifling (2 groove) appears to be reasonably proud throughout midsection, barrel is quite pitted (which I understand to be a consequence of corrosive nitrocellulose ammunition). The crown is virtually smooth.
Bought it mainly as a collector's piece, the other example on offer was a Mk2 but it had been modified and the Beech wood wasn't to my aesthetic taste, even if it was supposedly a better shooter.
I've had a poke around on allaboutenfields.co.nz which was quite useful but his list of markings (by his own admission) was inconclusive, as my rifle features markings that either aren't there - or I'm not able to discern them properly.
From what I can tell in my limited research to date, is that this rifle was produced by ROF Maltby in South Yorkshire. The receiver and wrist have matching serial numbers. I cannot see any serial number on the bolt itself - the only marking on which are a "F" and "2", I'm assuming that the "F" denotes ROF Fazakerely production?
There are markings on the weapon but markings that I'm expecting to see, such as a crown or broad arrow are seemingly absent.
I *think* that there might be the shaft of a broad arrow above the serial number located on the wrist but it's missing the head. From what I've seen on the internet, the quality of the markings can be sometimes half-arsed. Completely understandable if one was being bombed incessantly.
Enfield experts out there @res, please - Lend me your eyes (with apologies to William Shakespeare).
Nice Ryan, I wish I could say I was the expert you think I am-I just enjoy researching the old rifles. Unfortunately I'm away from my library of reference books for a few weeks so maybe take the best photos you can and post them up on the NZ Lee Enfeild Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/729247080450782/) and the other train spotters will fight each other to tell you what it all means
Thanks Res - unfortunately I'm not a member of StasiBook and have no intention of joining. I need to get a magnifying glass and sit and jot down what I think the markings are and where they're located and see if I can cross-reference them with a resource on the internet... until you get back to your books, heh.
I feel a .303 vs 6.5x55 Swe shoot is in order.
Fair enough, probably the most friendly online source is this forum http://www.milsurps.com/forumdisplay.php?f=72 there are some true experts on there, they will want photos rather than descriptions as we all tend to see things different-esp with hurried/worn stamping
Champion, thanks!
Try and get some pics up if you can I'll show them to a mate who lives and breathes Enfield's