Haha. Mines 6 months old, but still like new. Put 20 rounds thru it, 4 to sight in, then 14 deer/chamois/tahr kills from 16 shots. :thumbsup:
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Not really new now, but found I have a photo of it
New skirt for the mod 7
Attachment 34684
Attachment 34702
My latest arrived in the post this morning
Parkerhale 308 Norma magnum safari deluxe
Will get onto the brass and dies now
Just a little update on my seven in the mdt chassis.
Removed the old suppressor , cut barrel down to 17" rethread and recrowned and fitted a Dpt.
Tested at a 100m this evening with 130 gr Belmont factory ammo:
Attachment 34827
I start to love that ammo!
Of course ,otherwise I can't see my impacts in the black ;-)
Don't look Gimp...its a .270.
I bought the Vanguard for $530, and had it delivered straight to Gunworks for a chop to 20", threaded and fluted. Meanwhile the Boyds stock was on its way, and Brian bedded it for me. Slammed a VX2 3-9 on top and here's the finished product. My original intention was to barrel it to .284, but it was starting to get a bit expensive so I stuck to the original calibre and barrel.
No special reason for doing it except I've always wanted to try a thumbhole stock, and now that I've got a sore wrist after busting it in the bush I thought I would see if its easier to hold. Its turned out that it hasn't made much difference but at least getting it set up with a load will be a bit of fun. Will probably shoot a deer with it and it will go into the back of the cupboard. I'm aiming to get 2900fps with a 130 grn projectile.
Very nice stock Tahr :)
Very nice all round.
Not a new gun, but shortening + supressing the old 308 seems to have tightened the groups up a tad - shot 12-15mm today with a couple of different loads, down from 20-22mm with the same loads previously. Can't complain.