Attachment 5154About 1.7" at 300 yards at which point I had to halt shooting paper and fire at moose (first prone shooting--ever). The photo shooting (prone) across the ice. It was also the first time I used Bryon List's Applied Ballistics program; I hit the pail 2 out of three times. Miserable conditions; too rough on my gear. Me too.
I received the barreled action July 17, put it together, and commenced shooting, testing loads. The safety lever broke and it went in for replacement, a 10 day--I was lucky--halt. I figure by next September I'll have shot it out to a mile, but my goal right now is to shoot at every opportunity and be proficient out to 1200 yards by then. Reality is that serious shooting isn't happening until sometime in May when both light and temperature combine to eliminate the worst environmental conditions making meaningful systematic development possible.
A labor of love--this is the most pleasant rifle I've ever shot--and it's practice, practice, and practice.