My New MDT HS3 Chassis, Gunfighter grip and LUTH MBA-1 butt on my model 12 Savage, .223 . I just need a couple magazines to fit now
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My New MDT HS3 Chassis, Gunfighter grip and LUTH MBA-1 butt on my model 12 Savage, .223 . I just need a couple magazines to fit now
Attachment 68587
CZ452 Gold Anniversary Edition
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Now that is gunporn.!!!
Damn that is nice. I could never own a rifle like that. I would scuff the hell out of the wood work putting it in the safe for the first time.
wow and you've got 3 of them :thumbsup:
Happy with this even though it is not mine.
Got it for my 11 year old to start shooting in ipsc mini rifle. I went for the AR platform as thats what he will be shooting in a handful of years for competition anyway.
I have to say that the S&W 15-22 is perfect for smaller people, very light, and that AIL stock is also very good. Of course my son, not being able to get an E-cat or even a firearms license yet there are very few options around for stocks that you can fit to a small person. This AIL fits the bill as LOP goes down to about 270mm.
The only iffy thing is that cheap knockoff sight I put on hoping that 22lr wouldnt rattle it to bits. From the net, seems like a reasonable chance it will be OK on a 22.
Photo is not so hot but was struggling to find a place to put it with a bit of light. Light behind it is not the best though!
Best thing though, the boy can come out and shoot with me now.
Attachment 68775
@MaW please let us know how it goes, I think I need to show that to my son... :)
Will do, I am going to give it the first rounds at an indoor range this week to get it sighted in.
Me with a Shrike
In words of one syllable, explain to me as if I was a child of seven how that cycles. Note, I am intimately familiar with the M60 and GPMG (or at least I was 40 odd years ago).
Dedicated top-opening, piston driven upper.