It was too good to butcher into a 22-243 which was the original plan for the 595
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It was too good to butcher into a 22-243 which was the original plan for the 595
Mate you are just about to cross ten tonne
Did some load development with 280Ackley today using Vihtavouri N165 and 168bergers. Tried the whole OCW thing, seems to work.
All the groups seem to be more or less in the same vertical plane. I'm going to go with the top middle as my weight of choice.
Was interesting to see the last shot of each charge was the one that opened up the group size. I saw this too when loading some 140 accubonds.
image by AckleyImproved, on Flickr
And a bit of porno for the thread
image by AckleyImproved, on Flickr
How many loads is the brass on that fired those groups TB? The groups should improve markedly with the same load around the 3rd firing no matter how good your forming process is, in my limited experience with improved cals.
How are you forming your cases?
They were once fired. Used to fireform 280rem brass using AP70n and a patch but bought 280Ackley brass for this rifle.
Was pleased it shoots the bergers loaded to mag length which is a country mile away from the lands.
I was hoping the last shot on that top right group would go through the same hole as the first two!
100 yards.
They're only expensive if you think it's a 7mm rem mag haha the nosler brass is soft so if you run it hot the pockets are toasted pretty quick. I can't remember who I got the brass from this time but it's not cheap, saves buggering about fireforming though.
First rounds through these on Sunday!
Savage 22LR Mk2F with Hawke 3-9x40
Bushmaster AR15 waiting for its new stock and scope mount...
My seven year old said "it was the best day of his life"...:cool:
Attachment 19923
Picked up a Mossberg 930, my first shotgun :)
Attachment 19978
A new addition to the safe :P
Bring on ballot time. . . . .
What is it abe? Looks very nice
My new 7mm screamer mate
More info here
Pretty sweet for a turn bolt.:)
New toy I picked up last week
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I go with +1% on the previous load. As long as the gap is relatively small should not make a difference. All you are looking for in the first round really is a climb as the load increases, and then where the movement minimises.
Your target makes a lot more sense with that reverse C order :thumbsup:
Not a new gun but a new "Compliant Stock" to keep one of my AR's A cat . Still unfired as yet too.
Attachment 20011
Total Bollocks but you gotta play their game
Looks good for a thumbhole!
I had better pull finger and order one.
Looks good mate.
Just brought this tday! And it's my 1st centre fire
Congratulations Thomas. The first of many I am sure. Expect VC to congratulate you on your choice of calibre.
Ha ha .. Good work.. Be interested to hear how well it shoots. Nice gun sure you ll be happy with that. :thumbsup:
Haha thanks guys! Wasn't to hard choosing caliber! But with so many different rifles out there it got a bit confusing. In the end I went with the ruger because it felt good! And had abit more weight to it than something like a tikka also didn't like all the plastic on them!
Pretty much the same as my first centrefire! But plastic instead of wood. Enjoy :)
Choosing the one you like the feel of is the best way to choose! I didn't know that when I started out and bought one on trademe that looked nice. Hadn't handled many options at that stage so it was just luck that it also happened to feel good and fit me well.
Mine is (I still have it 5 years down the track) an M77 Hawkeye in 308, put a Weaver V9 on top and thats still there too despite falling down a hill with it on my back.
Shoots well enough too, around 0.75 MOA with handloads. The only factory ammo I ever tried was Highland 150gr, that did 1.2-1.5 MOA so still good enough for hunting. Don't sweat it if you aren't shooting amazing groups to start with, takes a bit of practice to get good at it and find the ammo your rifle likes.
Yeah this came with a Pentax gameseeker II which will be fine for now! I got some 150gr fusion, so I'll see how these go and if noo good I'll try setting else!ighy have to get in to reloading =]
Btw you ruger looks nice in wood!