Thanks vc
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My .223 NEA AR15 DMR with new scope. Looking forward to sighting it in and having a shoot.
Attachment 20329
That is sweet
Interesting grip-bipod.
No sir, not commenting on the thingamablob on the front, not even looking that way :P
:) yeah it came with the gun. Will be removing and probably fitting some sort of suppressor. I am a happy buyer!
I found mine to work more as a mega phone! Try to avoid firing it in a concrete walled range with your mouth open eh @seano
Here is a real brake :thumbsup:
A little more punch than a 223 ;)
send it back to call of duty
nice Steyr
Not sure why I had two pics the same ??? Boys... :ORLY:
Yep Steyr HS 50-M1
Took her up the range last night with some of my soft loads from the Barrett.
Very nice to shoot, more accurate than the Barrett, (no surprises there).
Concussion was a little more than the Barrett, that is a brake design thing, it works well, feels like less recoil than the Barrett.
A recoil orientated video I took tonight :)
Steyr HS 50 M1 Recoil - YouTube
Awesome blast, looks like it would be very easy to shoot.
With good muffs:D:cool:
Man that thing is cool. Looked so realaxed shooting it.
Would love to see that in slow motion. You have a Gopro?
Crickey that is a long bolt throw :D how many tins of powder per cartridge ?
One of those has the longest range kill shot out of all the toys we have played with.
We had the hs 50 up at horopito and brett shot a deer at 1265 yards.
I have been trying to beat it since but not that easy!
We had it out another day and my ten year old was nagging me to have a go with it and wouldnt shut should of seen the look on his face when he pulled the looked like he had been booted up the arse with out any warning!
Then you should of seen my face when the sound of the hit on the 600 yd gong came back.
As they say on the adds priceless!
I have also shot the ssnz 50cal which goes well and also a one that had a five shot mag a few years ago which I cant remember what that was.
The hs 50 brake works well for the shooter but not so flash for any body else standing to close!
KG just keep on buying those 4kg tins of powder!
The ones with the green tips were the most accurate
Not sure what they were but they came in big sqare green tins!
My first ever shotgun, put a mere 6 rounds through it on the weekend, and I felt like a kid again!
Shotty is a Mossberg 930 SPX, 7 shot, 18.5" semi-auto.
Barrel clamp is Nordic Components from Brownells.
The little one is a CZ 452 Scout, this was for my 7 year old and he thinks its absolutley fantastic, and better yet he does not want a scope at the moment!
The action was smooth and effortless for him!
Attachment 20602
Two awesome weapons there. Great to hear the son is getting into it and enjoying using the iron sights. CZ make great rifles.
Yes the CZ is a quality rifle, and I am glad he is so happy and proud of it. He put around 100 rnds through it on his first day shooting it!
The charging handle is a standard mossberg part that comes with the SPX.
Mossberg & Sons | 85360
I know there are a few aftermarket ones available...
Oh I think it may have been added to more recent models.
Yeah I've seen a few but nobody has stock in NZ that I've been able to find and I don't have any of the sort of gear you'd need to whip one up, it's gotta be a piece of piss for someone with the tools!
I've emailed NZ Post to see if I could bring one in with Youshop, hopefully it's good news!