that .32/20 is a lovely rifle..would be a pleasure to own something like that..I know just the place to use it too..NO I do not have funds to purchase it.
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that .32/20 is a lovely rifle..would be a pleasure to own something like that..I know just the place to use it too..NO I do not have funds to purchase it.
A couple of examples from Austria.
Iv wanted an Ultralight for many years but by the time I could afford one they had stopped production and became hard to fine. This one in 222Rem in 9 twist performs flawlessly.
Attachment 212061
Iv had an HMR from very early on, starting with an anschutz 1517, moved to a Weihrauch HW60 for a grown up full sized rifle which was a far better and now to a Steyr zephry II. Full sized but a little lighter than the weihrauch.
Attachment 212063
New to me via the Forum, a Bergara BA13 in 308 with a Burris Fullfield 2.5-10x42 currently sitting in shitty rings coz I broke the leupold ones while mounting the scope (doesnt know his own strength). DPT mini centrefire up front, to make a nice reliable and compact rifle for a quite short tall person.
Nothing fancy but I've wanted this setup for a while but the piggybank has been empty when the deals have come up.
The Forum has provided both items recently and Roktoy has his new toy.
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New 6.5 PRC barrel for the R8, and an A-Tec H2 can with one module removed, and a brake cap fitted. Running 156 EOL’s.
Attachment 212488
I needed to do a bit of a barrel break in and zero the scope, so some best guess rounds off Quickload got me going.
Attachment 212491
Attachment 212493
I’m mulling over chopping it 2”.
We’re off to Dublin for Xmas / NY, so won’t be doing any more till we’re back.
I put a photo of this up a few pages ago in raw form
Ie incomplete
Was still running the millsurp stock and the barrel wasn’t blued
Left it with a mate a couple of months ago he makes stocks for fun but is a Very talented stock builder
He has built me a beautiful stock out of wallnut he managed to score when a tree fell down in a storm close to his house
Come back last night via the gunsmith who blued the barrel
So it’s a remington rolling block action genuine Remington too not a sweedish copy
Valcan 32” barrel 45-90
Custom stock made to measure for me shooting sitting on shooting sticks
Put a limbsaver on it (yes I know) not traditional but 45-90 with 540gn bullets is alot to tame
Even with a rifle that waighs about 16lb and im shooting 50 rounds in a day for matches
Attachment 212837
that is a thing of beauty...and the limbsaver=good on you.