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I think its a combination of factors that have finally reached a tipping point.
1) Impending lead ban in Europe.You will have to make your own projectiles on a lathe if you want to shoot some of this classic stuff.
2) Lack of demand.The Boomers are dying off and the interest in classic arms with them.Case in point Winchester Rifles,Boomers who grew up watching Cowboy films bought these guns few people want them anymore.A Winchester 1886,half magazine pistol gripped gun sold for $1200 recently,five years ago you could have at least trebbled that,maybe gotten close to $5K.I paid $5K for my takedown model.
In addition the American market is getting harder and harder to service,despite the demand there for Millsurps its costly to get the guns there.It also suffers from a lack of interest in fine sporting guns.
On top of this big game hunting ie Safari's are not really accepted anymore.As well as the fact that wealthy people are more likely to buy say a 416 Rigby bolt and barrel for their nice Blaser over investing much more in a double that they might only use the once. Rumors of bargin priced double Rifles have been around for nearly 10 years,I was offered one in 2015 on the condition that it was exported.Retailers in the UK cannot artificially hold up the market any longer,I know of a Gunsmith who won't take in any second hand guns at all,he chops up more H&H's than he can sell.He can't sell them.