Was yours from Digit ? Does this mean they have arrived ?? Feel alright ? (Not you the gun he he )
NF on an AR "Bloody Brilliant" ha ha ha ...
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Haha thanks guys! Wasn't to hard choosing caliber! But with so many different rifles out there it got a bit confusing. In the end I went with the ruger because it felt good! And had abit more weight to it than something like a tikka also didn't like all the plastic on them!
Pretty much the same as my first centrefire! But plastic instead of wood. Enjoy :)
Choosing the one you like the feel of is the best way to choose! I didn't know that when I started out and bought one on trademe that looked nice. Hadn't handled many options at that stage so it was just luck that it also happened to feel good and fit me well.
Mine is (I still have it 5 years down the track) an M77 Hawkeye in 308, put a Weaver V9 on top and thats still there too despite falling down a hill with it on my back.
Shoots well enough too, around 0.75 MOA with handloads. The only factory ammo I ever tried was Highland 150gr, that did 1.2-1.5 MOA so still good enough for hunting. Don't sweat it if you aren't shooting amazing groups to start with, takes a bit of practice to get good at it and find the ammo your rifle likes.
Yeah this came with a Pentax gameseeker II which will be fine for now! I got some 150gr fusion, so I'll see how these go and if noo good I'll try setting else!ighy have to get in to reloading =]
Btw you ruger looks nice in wood!
My .223 NEA AR15 DMR with new scope. Looking forward to sighting it in and having a shoot.
Attachment 20329
That is sweet