He may well be Brads, he was telling me he heard they were good at bailing and he thought they could help him with the haylage next year.
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Dog tucker too,i'll come for a scavenge;)
Attachment 48938
Attachment 48939
Czech Kar98k
It's silky smooth. Shoots nice groups. Has been one of my dream rifles forever. It's a total bitsa. Only the bolt release and extractor match. The receiver has been scrubbed, but the bolt is covered in Waffenampt marks which is cool and the stock has an East German (I think) marking.
The bayonet is also Yugoslavian so I'll be trying to hunt down a German Bake lite one
Put some new glass on my Edge, Swavo X5 5-25 x 56, awesome scope
Cheers Brads :thumbsup:
Attachment 48965
Has a little bulge at the bottom of the turret so had to get the angle grinder out lol
Attachment 48966
I thought for a second that you had ground the bottom of the scope! You are not that rough then :-)
Just gently tap the bulge out with a hammer
Fixed it for ya @northdude:D
yay!!! Here is my AR in the new configuration, "E" cat now!
Attachment 49009
Very nice - did your free float tube come with the sling point? If so where did you sorce that from?
Recently when @timber listed his Savage Light weight hunter chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor for sale, i couldnt resist. 4-5 years ago my father and I handled one of these little Savages while over at the Sika show, and it made an impression.
It was a package deal, rifle with Talley lightweight rings, Weaver Super slam 2-10, reloading dies, 40 new Hornady brass, all at what i thought was a very fair price. I knew it had some history, but had apparently been sorted.
Well first impressions, is its a neat little thing, being a little different in design etc, with the slotted underside of the fore-end, and the machined out action all to reduce the weight, looks pretty neat too imo.
I wasted no time mounting the scope, and loading up some ammo to test. I had a couple of boxes of the berger 130gr VLD's that i was keen to try, (i just couldnt get them to shoot in my Mod 7 260 rem). Loaded up some test loads, and off to the range.
Attachment 49251
Being reasonably light, it is quite a lively rifle to shoot and you really need to hang onto it. Its only a 130gr pill doing around 2800, but it must be due to the low weight it sure jumps about.
Still got more fine tuning to do, but its showing some promise....
Attachment 49252
With the high BC of the 130 VLD, even at 2800 fps it still holds 1000 ft lbs to 675 yards, quite unreal for a little case and a 130 gr pill.
Looking forward to the first deer with it now.
That's very cool GWH. Truth is, it's probably close to the ideal all rounder. At least for the NI. And cheap to run, too.
You might get some strange looks at the Fiordland ballot briefing with it, but with the right bullet it would do the job no doubt. :)
But, nah. Owning just one gun would be a bit silly really.
A muffler goes pretty well on their snoz, and doesn't seem to upset the balance.
You can get them in stainless now, with a synthetic stock. I actually prefer my wood blue one though, and yours looks nice too.
p.s. If you lose your magazine, the Savage Axis mag is exactly the same.
Finally got to fit the tube sight onto my Martini Henry 38-55. Loaded some BP rounds and if the weathers fine I'll bang it on the weekend and see if it hits anything. Has a new barrel and bit of work done by someone else:cool:Attachment 49311Attachment 49312Attachment 49313Attachment 49314
Attachment 49315
A tube sight is basically a tube with a small adjustable apperture you look through and sit the target in the middle of the circle , if that makes sense?
A few old shogun cartridges floating around my gun room!Attachment 49322
A couple of draws full of my small collectionAttachment 49327Attachment 49328
always liked the m1 Carbine so just got its lil bro. 68ish marlin 989 m2 22lr. 2 ten round mags and just mounted ned nikon 2-7 bdc scope.Attachment 49330
Attachment 49331
This rifle is now for sale, without scope or rings, may have 1" rings if I can find them, one off hand made stock, very accurate, only selling to buy its brother which is now being sold by the guy that made the this stock, looking at $1100.00 any interest? Bi pod also not included in the sale
Well a little rifle buy turned into more than I bargained... but with a little work it has turned into a ripper...
Bought this Ruger 77/22 WMR as a SS/Laminate, unfortunately the barel wasn't Stainless asfound out aftr being away at work for a month, the damn thing was covered I surface rust...S**t S**t S**t...
Good mate bead blasted the rust away ad a few calls with Victor at CerakoteNZ.com and whammo this is what I have, well pleased...
Attachment 49612
Attachment 49613
Attachment 49614
Attachment 49615
Attachment 49616
Attachment 49617
Attachment 49618
Very nice.
Nice, good to know info, thanks for the post.
Attachment 49692
Added a German (top) to my Czechs
You rigt handed buggers have sp many nice old rifles to choose from!
Attachment 49695
Tikka .222, el cheapo scope, Harris bipod. 400 rounds included with rifle etc, so not a bad little deal. Next up, a proper scope....
Attachment 49995
Steyr AUG Z (Austrian) .223 REM 1:9. Aimpoint H2, it's virtually new. Smells new, still feels factory tight. Internals are nice and shaaainy. Just need a muzzle device now...
Attachment 50024Attachment 50025
Arisaka Type 38, with Army MUM intact, saw this for sale and couldn't resist
Nice, no dust cover? I have a few repo ones if needed
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Cz455 from @PERRISCICABA 17hmr barrel from @Muzza3 Harris bipod and gunworks suppresor... Pics coming once I get a new suppressor thats guna fit the thread on the new barrel...
The Ariska is cool, something different - I like.
300saum is coming along nicely. Model 7 action trued, bolt fluted and barrel cut at 21" and threaded and recrowned, have some glass and a dpt on the way for it. Watch this space
Better add a picture..