Gun City is the chain people used to love to Shun but maybe things are looking up.
They have the best range of stuff on the shelf if you know exactly what you want and walk in and buy it.
The other week I visited the Christchurch store, and found some bottles of Hoppes #9 , which have been hard to come by recently.
Paid for them, piled them on top of my stuffed full man-bag and out the door.
Back home: only one bot to be found. Did a quick search of the car - zilch. Only had one.
Phone back to Gun City and asked if I'd left one on the counter.
"Just a moment ..."
"Ok we've checked the security camera and you did put two in your bag."
Possibly dropped in the carpark, but that prompted me to look very carefully and I found the vagrant bottle that had rolled across the passenger seat, down by the door then back across to the other side almost invisible unless to a very determined search.
So, the counter staff were very professional and helpful.