Anyone aware of any gunsmiths around Wanaka/Central Otago. Want some work on a couple of rifles and Desert Guns in Cromwell are not returning calls/emails. TIA
Anyone aware of any gunsmiths around Wanaka/Central Otago. Want some work on a couple of rifles and Desert Guns in Cromwell are not returning calls/emails. TIA
Desert Guns was snowed under with work when I was last there, just a small home based business. The CV19 shit won't be helping either, so don't get too frazzled that he hasn't contacted you. You may have to try further south.
I know for a fact Desert guns has alot of work on at the moment.
He will reply in time mate and is a good gunsmith.
^ What Rock river said. He will get back to you when he's got availability coming up.
Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't piss off Geologists.
Yeah Mark at Desert guns is really good, he can take awhile to get back to you as like the guy have said he's a one man band and is busy.
Not quite in central, but you could try Cubus at Guntech NZ in Gore