Any idea on the price of hard antler right now?
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Any idea on the price of hard antler right now?
Cheers lads
$35 is what you should be getting
What are they mainly used for?
who buys hard antler in north island, sold to a guy couple years back but can't remember who he was
Any one got a contact number for the north island buyer who buys velvet or hard antler. sure his based in Masterton.
Look up Southern Valvet Buyers. They were paying $35kg a few months ago
C. K. Import Export NZ Ltd 07 8722543
have you seen what they are charging for doggy to chew on - saw small pieces of antler at local dog food shop $35 for one small piece - some of the pieces looked pretty ragged been lying out for awhile -at that rate my good 12 would be worth at least $500 not that I am selling it - but I gave the nice lady in the shop some of cuts I had from knife making for her doggies - was only going to dump them