Wanting to sell my Sako 243 but I'm unsure of the model. Would also be keen on what a fair price would be for when I list it on the forum. Anyone help me out here?
Wanting to sell my Sako 243 but I'm unsure of the model. Would also be keen on what a fair price would be for when I list it on the forum. Anyone help me out here?
See recent listings as pretty sure there was one similar in last week or two
75/15/10 black powder matters
13/01/2019 — If it is marked with a roman numeral III (not AIII) on the left side of the action it is a Model 75, action size III. The 75 had no model stamp .. there ya go -- price if barrel is mint ohhh $2200-$2500 maybe but thats my thoughts only (I would like to pay $1500 lol )
It is a 75 based off the shape of the mag well
For comparison, here are the markings on a sako 85 in 7mm08 (S action length):
Yip thats a 75
Sako 75. Same as mine.
Legends. Much appreciated.