"HELP" T3 with shocking grouping ???????
Hey There People I have got a T3 in 223 with 8" twist. approx 8 years old
I cant get it to group smaller than 2" with an average group of say 4 to 6 " at 100m. with the odd flyer not even on paper????
I have owned it since new, rifle has at a educated guess has fired around 250 to 300 rounds (Mostly at the range trying to sight it in)..I'm not a hundred percent sure how long its been out or even if it has ever shoot well in the first place???? I bought a new Leupold 3x9 AR scope (Not Cheap) at around 100 rounds after i noticed i couldn't hit the side of a barn.
It has never had a hard knock or drop that i know of,
I have optilock rings from new, (Scope is tight) also tightly screwed to stock.
I have free floated the Barrel, trigger is at about 1.5 to 2 pounds
I have cleaned it after every shoot, (hot and cold).I have left it dirty on purpose, (hot and cold)
I have used factory ammo from $65 to $15 for 20, Different pills from 50,55,60,62,69 & 72 grains, And approximately 8 different brands.
I got a friend who shoots comps with his 223 to work a few loads up and he worked on the jump and We used top quality formed cases once fired from my gun, diff types & weights of pills up to 75 grains (once got 1.5" group think it was a fluke)
Buy the way I can shoot clover leafs no probs with other good rifles when i have a good rest or bags etc.