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Thread: HIK lynx

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    HIK lynx

    Who’s using the HIK Lynx 19mm Thermal and what’s your opinion.
    Yesterday I went in to purchase but was unable due to the screen having a damaged display.
    It was like a birdshit on your windscreen just in your periphery. Now waiting on new stock which was disappointing.
    Hoping it’ll be good in low sporadic scrub out to or past 5-600yds. Night shooting without definitive ranging is only 300ish anyway. Will be shooting with a Pard 007s

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Get a new pard handheld, way better then the hik

  3. #3
    Member zeropak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Noswal View Post
    Who’s using the HIK Lynx 19mm Thermal and what’s your opinion.
    Yesterday I went in to purchase but was unable due to the screen having a damaged display.
    It was like a birdshit on your windscreen just in your periphery. Now waiting on new stock which was disappointing.
    Hoping it’ll be good in low sporadic scrub out to or past 5-600yds. Night shooting without definitive ranging is only 300ish anyway. Will be shooting with a Pard 007s
    I have the lynx pro 25mm. I have been using this for about 12 months and hve been very happy with it. Simple controls, great battery life and good performance for the price. All these things would also apply to the 19mm model. They work really well in the light scrub, any heat signature will show up like the proverbial dogs balls.
    ZeroPak Vacuum Sealers, Zero air Zero waste



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