Did that guy who was promising people $1200 HK417 rifles with NV and ACOGs like a year ago on FnH ever deliver, or was that as unlikely to happen as I assumed it was?
Did that guy who was promising people $1200 HK417 rifles with NV and ACOGs like a year ago on FnH ever deliver, or was that as unlikely to happen as I assumed it was?
I remember that, I think it faded out
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"Such is life..." - Ned Kelly
It was a load of bollocks from begining to end .He ended up on the IMAS site where it evetually went tits up.
That's the thread I think
Didnt see it but NV and 1200 dollars just doesn't sound right especially with a rifle thrown in.![]()
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
I told him I'd buy the balance to make the deal work - no matter what the cost.
S&Bs, NV etc for the prices - I hope noone was STUPID enough to give the guy any money.
I think most of us knew from the start he had his hand on it by just led him up the garden path
I just want to see how hilarious the meltdown was.
The guys I know who put their names down for gear said they got an email saying he was going to work in Africa and they needed to keep the rifles or some shit
Back to see his Nigerian money scam mates probably. I watched that one from the sidelines thinking how gulable some people. The old addage "if its too good to be true..."
It was fantasy land stuff
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
Yeap , still waiting on my HK , NV , TI & the crap load of used AI AW , AWSMs & AW50s .
Later Chris
If I recall , correctly , he was also pushing that USO scopes where much better than S&Bs , Opps
He claimed to live up the Waipara gorge, incidentally where I used to live. He described to me where his property was and I was skeptical... (he pretty much described our back paddock)
thought he met with Robbin Tiffen as a meet and greet person to see who he was without breaking his ID
That post was on the IMAS forum I think
He was meant to be building a 1k range out around Waipara and hosting some lr shoots there, said he was an instructor