If you haven't heard about the Honey Badger, google it now! He's the hardest of the hard, the toughest of all creatures great and small...if you've ever gotten drunk and talked shit about which animal would beat another animal in a fight e.g. who would win between a bear and a shark etc etc...well bad news, the honey badger will win....that's who....period!, he's a total badass!!!
WTF does this have to do with guns? Well my new project is getting nick named ''The Honey Badger'', because its just that badass it has to be. Like the Honey Badger its no oil painting, made from left over parts I had spare from various other project I've done over the years, but all of these parts are tough and there for a purpose.
Still got a bit of work to do, but its shootable now and I have a spare Leupold to go on top to finish it off. To be honest I'm loving how rough it is, it means it will be used hard out and no tears will come when it gets smashed!
Long live the Honey Badger!