No, it says stock, or other component that feeds...[/QUOTE]
@Cigar @stug
No I didn't. It states " that feeds or contributes to feeding ammunition" If a stock does not contribute to feeding (Shotgun fore wood or butt for example) then it is not considered a part. IF it does contribute towards or is part of the feeding mechanisim then it does. The Howa stock contains the feeding mechanisim but does in no way or shape "contribute " towards the operation of the feed. In the Howas case if the stock was fitted to the action but the magazine well is not- will it feed still? No it wont.
My main point is that the law is so badly written that there are multiple ways to read it and the misunderstanding of a single small word can alter the clarity of the law.
At the end of the day the permit would only be needed for mail order and if in doubt- then pick up with a visual license check would be completely above board....
Just think, if we cannot all read it and take away the same meaning and understanding of what is written, when it is right in front of all of us- how in hells name can they expect people to obey it when it is so poorly written?