Aaah so you didn't actually shoot those targets ....... you used a Drill, that could possibly construed as not being an accurate assessment of your gun
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Shifts in poi between groups were from me. Mounting rifle.differently, different body position, adjustments etc (and a lot of mirage in some made finding aiming point difficult) if i was seriously trying to do a bunch of.groups to.overlay on top.of each other i would.start with a more precise aiming point rather than just selecting what part of the circle i was going to.shoot at each time. Taking time and doing it seriously id say the consistant overlaid groups could actually be less than puctured here again
I don't think any of my rifles shoot differently to any other time, then again I dont shoot them enough to really notice
Haha my bad.
Those targets show.quite clearly where adjustments etc were made. Overlay the three top groups and you will still be under 1/2 moa. Regardless of this i actually think the 5x5 shot group is more a test of shooter than rifle. Holding the same aim point for 25 rounds without pulling a shot evem with mirage etc definitely makes the shooter the weak link.
Next time im at the.range ill.put 15 shots on one a point. You can choose if i was 15 one shot groups, 3x5 shot groups or 5x3 shot groups. And we can fill a few pages discussing it..
I'd say my Zastava 223 is a 1/2 MOA riffle at the range with 3 shot groups. Cheap as chips and getting results like distant stalker above. If groups are overlaid then they are all still in the same place and still within the 1/2 MOA. I can take it home, go back two weeks later and do the same, same POI, same group size. The worst part is my daughter can do the same with it, same POI, same group size.
It would be useless at trying to do 5x 5 shot groups as the barrel and suppressor get rather warm and produce a lot of mirage making aiming difficult. However as VC stated this information is useful to work out shooting range, along with drop charts, when hunting. It all depends on how you would define a sub 'whatever' group for a hunting rifle. Would it be one shot every 10 minutes? One shot every 10 seconds? One group a day over several days? All the groups successively?
I like shooting groups at paper as I'm still pretty new to this game and want to make certain I do the best I can for my quarry, learn mine, and my rifles capabilities. I can see both sides of the argument. 'The devils in the detail.'
Right hard hat on.
I dont work on a 100m zero. That and its hard to have the same aim pointnif you mangle it with shots going through it....:thumbsup:
At the end of the day, this is a rifle i would confidently walk to the firing line with and expect to put 3 shots into a 1/2 moa target. I have shot targets at 200 and 300m and can expect the same sort of results there too (althouh wind does start to have effect at the longer ranges
If a bunny doesnt rollnover dead at 4-500m when i pull the trigger its my fault in reading wind, wrong body position or something similar, not the rifles fault through lack of precision
I think the point is this................
this is a two shot group I shot last weeknd I cheated and shot from 30 to 40 yards the group measured about 2.4 moa
Attachment 14569
The day before I checkd my rifle from 300 yards!!!:D