A competitive clay bird shooter could easily use over 3000 per year possibly even double that. I play around at sporting clays and use 6 slabs a year.
Small bore shooters when i did it it was a box a night once a week.
Pistol shooters at least the ones i know are quite large consumers of ammunition
Pest controllers not unusual to go through well over a hundred in a night.
Some recreational hunters / shooters might use only 10 rounds a year others several hundred spread across multiple calbres.
Personally it's quite a bit several thousand 223 and 22 at least not counting bigger stuff but it's my choice and the reasons are in no particular order recreation, pest control for economic reasons, hunting for meat, and competition. I don't mind putting them up here but I'll be damned if I would tolerate having a cap put on the amount I used by some shiny arse who thought I was using too much.