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Thread: How much does a 270Win suck in 2019?

  1. #1
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    How much does a 270Win suck in 2019?

    First rifle I every owned was a 270Win Mk1 Ruger. Kicked like a mule, louder than hell and overall was a shit of a rifle. It sucked ass.

    Roll on a few decades and I've been through a few shooters. Was thinking of taking a second look at the 270.
    I'm after a fast shooting (i.e. no ear muffs or shagging around with brakes), flat shooting, hard hitter to 400m. Not too long or too heavy.
    Is the current offerings in 270Win (or more to the point 0.277 bullets) good enough to keep up with the modern offerings?
    On my last hunt a mate shooting 260Rem was faster, lighter and as (more) accurate with enough energy to sack what needed to be put down. I was quite jealous TBF.
    Theres a pretty loyal 270 following so here whats your thoughts?
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  2. #2
    Member Happy's Avatar
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    Extraction of urine ha ha ?? Pretty much sucks same as every year prior

    Had a few .poo 70 s don't now same insane reasons as yours
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  3. #3
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    It works fine, and why wouldn't it really?
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  4. #4
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    I had a 270 once
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  5. #5
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    my 2 cents....I had an A7 in 270 the kick wasn't what I would call over the top but wasn't like shooting a 243 either, mine was unsuppressed and to be fair it was pretty obnoxious in the noise department with the factory 22" barrel.
    if you want a light 270 it's gonna kick, if you want a quiet 270 get it suppressed (that would also help with the kick if it really bothers you).
    I have an older heavier 270 finnbear and it's a pussycat to shoot and seems a lot quieter possibly due to the 24" barrel
    hthomas and chainsaw like this.

  6. #6
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
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    What year approximately did the .270 stop being effective as a Deer cartridge?
    Over the last few years I chuckled along with the anti .270 jokes here because they are fun , but that doesn’t mean they are accurate or truthful .
    I have no knowledge of the .270 personally having never owned one , but the one question that would spring to mind is projectile selection might be a bit limiting.
    tetawa, Steve123 and dannyb like this.

  7. #7
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    Nothing wrong with a .270. Has been popular for a great many years with good reason. Problems with the caliber are usually directly attributable to the firer. .243 is a different story but it has still killed large numbers of deer (I have no idea of the number that crawled away to die in agony).
    dannyb likes this.

  8. #8
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwijames View Post
    First rifle I every owned was a 270Win Mk1 Ruger. Kicked like a mule, louder than hell and overall was a shit of a rifle. It sucked ass.

    Roll on a few decades and I've been through a few shooters. Was thinking of taking a second look at the 270.
    I'm after a fast shooting (i.e. no ear muffs or shagging around with brakes), flat shooting, hard hitter to 400m. Not too long or too heavy.
    Is the current offerings in 270Win (or more to the point 0.277 bullets) good enough to keep up with the modern offerings?
    On my last hunt a mate shooting 260Rem was faster, lighter and as (more) accurate with enough energy to sack what needed to be put down. I was quite jealous TBF.
    Theres a pretty loyal 270 following so here whats your thoughts?
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  9. #9
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Since 1925 people have been either for or against this necked 3006 its faster and flatter than the 3006 up to 150 gr then taps out. Its certainly suitable for purpose but like the 3006 and a hell of a lot of other popular cartridges 6.5x55 7x57 etc its case design is at least 100 years old and was optimised for the early comparatively simple smokeless powders and simple ullet designs. You will get similar performance from modern equivalents but at the expense of extra powder, recoil and the need for a long action.
    Still shooting a classic is everyones dream isnt it.
    Hell even the m16 and that newfangled 223 are over 50 now.
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  10. #10
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    you either love it or you don't, it certainly kills deer and pigs I have shot mine out to 275yds and everything I have shot so far has not gone more than a couple of paces if at all
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  11. #11
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    if I ever feel the need to rebarrel mine it will get a 28" barrel (if I can find one that long) after 30 years of use mine still does sub inch groups at hundy if I do my part.
    yes rifle/stock designs are better than they were. there is a very nice few rifles coming up 2nd hand often now at great prices.
    suppressor MAKES this calibre....it really kills the noise and boot factor..take them away and its a plurry great cartridge.
    projectile choice is moot....what you cant do/kill with a 150 grn partition isnt worth killing,you can load them down with lighter projectiles for smaller stuff and even varmit type projectiles if you want to getreally messy.for dedicated longer range stuff there is now a 145grn offering that has been doing ok from all accounts.
    to 400 meters you dont need to piss around with rangefinders or dialing up...sight her in 3" high at hundy and go shoot shite. if you more of a bush hobbit make that 2" high.
    GSP HUNTER, time out, 57jl and 1 others like this.

  12. #12
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    deer and pigs???? cattle,horses,reds,fallow,white tail,thar,chammy,pigs,goats,wallabies,hares,rabbit s,mice and even the odd feathered or scaled "thing" have died by mine over the years...never felt undergunned
    Mooseman, nightowl52, 40mm and 1 others like this.

  13. #13
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    It still kills animals as well as ever of course, but personally I think why put up with the extra recoil and noise over something more efficient that kills just as well with less powder from a smaller case.

  14. #14
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    deer and pigs???? cattle,horses,reds,fallow,white tail,thar,chammy,pigs,goats,wallabies,hares,rabbit s,mice and even the odd feathered or scaled "thing" have died by mine over the years...never felt undergunned
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  15. #15
    Member Double Shot's Avatar
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    Ah the old Ruger .270, had one for 14yrs, then sold it, recently picked up another this though is 20" sitting in a skeleton stock, I trust it'll kick hard...bit of a project buy really...

    Might give it a once over and maybe even pop it in the regular synthetic stock with a better pad, thread it and she should be a goer... What the hell, why not...
    Micky Duck and dannyb like this.
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