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Thread: How much does a 270Win suck in 2019?

  1. #46
    Join Date
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    @GravelBen I'm a fairly solid guy so I don't notice recoil much. Really couldn't tell the difference.
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  2. #47
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    if a 130-150 grain projectile nudging either side of 3000fps kicks in a standard weight rifle than the stock is less than optimal or the recoil pad is junk.
    I know the 3006 can handle heavier projectiles but I bet if the numbers match it would kick just like a 270. Plus Id rather shoot a 130gr 270 than a 130gr 3006 projectile.
    even more so if you went lighter.
    NZ got hit with those junk NZFS rounds and it spoiled the 270 for a lot here I reckon. You don't seem to hear the same criticisms in The good ol' US of A and you know how much they like the big calibres over there.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  3. #48
    R93 is offline
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    I like the 30-06, 25-06 and love the 6.5-06
    Not liking the one in the middle is from witnessing years ago a lot of deer getting away with a projectile in them.
    Always looking around for bugger all blood etc.
    Always dead when ya find them as well.
    I think with modern projectiles they would perform just as good if not better than the rest of th 06 family.
    Doesn't mean I would ever own one tho.

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  4. #49
    Member Max Headroom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by csmiffy View Post
    NZ got hit with those junk NZFS rounds and it spoiled the 270 for a lot here I reckon. You don't seem to hear the same criticisms in The good ol' US of A and you know how much they like the big calibres over there.
    I suspect that's what happened to a friend of mine. He tried a 270, was very disappointed with the end result, was loaned a 30/06, loved the way it malleted deer , and bought his own.

    What kind of pill was in the NZFS .270?

  5. #50
    Member GSP HUNTER's Avatar
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    I'm still a fan of the old 270. Does what I ask without any fuss or thought to range est with a standard 3-9 scope out to 400m. Drops them on the spot if I do my part.
    My old 7mm08 Tikka T3 jumped around more than my heavier Tikka 695 in 270, 22# barrel whihc I enjoy shooting. Yes, blast is sharp and up there. Personally, I don't notice it when I'm shooting game.

    If you need more stopping power, the likes of the 150 grain partition and TTSX projectiles are hard hitter. I've never used them but here good things from those that do.

    Had some 110 TTSX loaded for me and recoil dropped and so did the deer like stones out to 350m, shot flat and true.

    I still think the 270 has legs mate. Good luck with your decision.
    Tahr, tikka, 57jl and 2 others like this.

  6. #51
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    I think the main disadvantages with the 270 vs modern cartridges is the rifle manufacturers refusal to produce them with a decent bloody twist rate.
    For a 0-400m gun I would be going with the swede and 140's or 130's but the 270 will do it for sure. Do blasers come with a twist rate faster than the usual 1:100,000?
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  7. #52
    Member Rich007's Avatar
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    I have 2x .270's - a Rem 700LH and a BAR LH. Suppressed, it's a great cal. I've shot Reds, fallow, wild cattle, wild sheep and wallabies. I only remember 1 taking more than a couple of steps (a fallow doe that I hit low in the chest).

    It's worth a crack, if you don't like it you can always sell it
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  8. #53
    Member Happy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Double Shot View Post
    Ah the old Ruger .270, had one for 14yrs, then sold it, recently picked up another this though is 20" sitting in a skeleton stock, I trust it'll kick hard...bit of a project buy really...

    Might give it a once over and maybe even pop it in the regular synthetic stock with a better pad, thread it and she should be a goer... What the hell, why not...
    HaHa you ll re sell it before its had 50 rounds down the tube ,,,,
    "This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..

  9. #54
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    Three for three with the 270wsm last night @ 250yds. One lung shot ran 80 yards - very good blood trail. The other 2 dead on the spot. LRX= big holes. The old .270 would have done exactly the same.

  10. #55
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    they still kill stuff dead - just like they did when they first came on the seen. Bullet choice these days has improved. Like all '06 derivatives they really need a 24 in barrel to get best from them. The blast/noise can easily be managed with suppressor.
    If you want a short barrel then choose a different calibre.
    john m, stevodog and dannyb like this.

  11. #56
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    I walk a Ruger Ultralight in 270 for my long range shooting option I'm a happy hunter using that combined with Coreloks.
    Same ingredient but Browning 308 for the bush hunting short range stuff that you encounter in the Kaimai jungle.
    Not the place for your $2K type of rifle they will get to look 2nd hand very quickly mode of operation is synthetic stocks and adequate dollar value scopes that you can replace without breaking the bank or shedding tears.
    They will get broken and tarnished so will the individual if he isn't fit or tough in the top two inches
    Micky Duck likes this.

  12. #57
    Member outdoorlad's Avatar
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    KJ, I use a 270 barrel on my R93, ive been using 270’s off and on for 30yrs, the only time I’ve ever had problems was when I tried the federal 140gn accubonds in my old model 70, very hard bullet not going fast enough, meant I had a few follow up shots. For long range you have a few good choices these days, 135gn SMK, 150gn LRAB or 150gn Berger’s.

    I’ve got a 135gn smk load doing 2950fps, haven’t shot any animals with them yet as most of my shots are under 250m and I use a basic SP for that.
    kiwijames likes this.
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  13. #58
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    You really just can't beat a .270 for a hunting rifle. If they invented it today it would be a top big game cartridge all over again. New powders have made it even better. It will kill anything a .30/06 or a .280 will do with less recoil and take care of most of the 7mm Rem Mag business as well. A 7mm bullet of 130 grains at 3100 - 3200 fps is not something to look sideways at.

    You have to load it properly though. The downside to the .270 - which is not the cartridges fault - is that the factory ammo is slow. I tested three different brands and they were all going 2600fps -2800 something with a 130 grain bullet.

    I like that is was purely a hunting cartridge as well, not used by the military.
    Last edited by Carlsen Highway; 13-02-2019 at 09:52 PM.

  14. #59
    sneakywaza I got
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    Not sure why anyone would bag the only true 7mm in the first place!, for nearly 100 years it has been killing game all over the planet, and has always been in the top five selling cartridges and die sales, so something must be alright with it. Some people just have to keep buying the new wheels they invent......... Like the new fangled 6.5 Creampuff, I mean, why would you?
    Shearer, bumblefoot, 57jl and 4 others like this.

  15. #60
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    I shoot a .270 for my hunting rifle and although it may be outclassed by some WSMs or magnums, maybe even the infamous creed... The recent pickings of high BC quality hunting bullets (ELDX & Gamechanger) brings it back in as a reasonable contender for a great do-it-all NZ hunting cartridge. Factory ammo however, is a limitation!



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