Gonna do a short barreled 303 for bush hunting.
How short can I go for ease of moving through thick stuff?
I reload so could potentially use a faster powder?
Gonna do a short barreled 303 for bush hunting.
How short can I go for ease of moving through thick stuff?
I reload so could potentially use a faster powder?
Warm Barrels!
What pills are you going to use and how fast do you want them going? 303 isn't particularly fast to begin with. 16inch barrels have always been a good compromise between length and velocity. 2206h would be a good powder.
150-180 grainers
Just want the buggers to stay on the deck is all
Warm Barrels!
I reckon 150gr projectiles out of a 16inch barrel would be in the vicinity of 2400fps. Plenty of grunt to ground anything at bush ranges.
The 125gr Barnaul soft points might be a goer for your purpose
Go as short as you want, just avoid rifle OAL below 762mm as it then becomes pistol OAL! Short barrel is just as accurate, and the velocity drop is insignificant for bush hunting ranges. SMLE barrels are whippy so shortening has potential accuracy advantages.
But short barrels mean bigger flash, bang and kick, and the .303 is already loud! If you can find a No 5 jungle carbine conical flash hider, it deflects some of that massive blast forwards and away from your ears --- opposite to what a muzzle brake does. Unfortunately the conical flash hider also increases kick.
If you have a SMLE to cut down, slug the barrel with a .32 lead buckshot, you may find the first portion of the barrel is nice and tight, then opens up the last 22cms or so. I'd cut the barrel back to where its bore is tight. No 4 enfields are usually uniformly bored so there won't be that dramatic transition in slug resistance about 22 cm from the muzzle.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
For short range in close cover forget speed concentrate on bullet weight and ideally use a round nosed one, 150 or 180 should be fine. As to barrel length jungle carbine length 20 inch is probably just right and will be no noisier than any other stumpy.
A fine choice of cartridge and rifle for the job in my opinion.
Thanks for the replies guys!
I will slug the barrel but it is a No4 Mk2 and I will suppress it to remove the blast factor.
Certainly remember some loud booms and bright flashes spot lighting possums in my youth...
Warm Barrels!
betcha the bloody possums did too!
used my own beloved no4mk1* on a couple of occasions too on ye old jacko-bloody messy with a 180gnr nslug.second timeI had a dead one that wouldnt fallout of the tree unaided so .303chainsaw took the branch off!It was a no brainer as 5x.22slugs under his chin turned it into sludge !
If its unbubbad so far (full wood etc) it may be worth selling and getting one thats been shortened in the forewood already. A mint no 2 fazakely went for $1100 at the ruahine auction and good no 1s $4-500. Sporterised only $1-200
Don't worry it is an older PH Supreme model that I picked up for $150 not a minter
Warm Barrels!
Great for flames!
Identify your target beyond all doubt
most excellent too when covertly using 215gn armour piercing rds you suprise a regular force army NCO when you blow a hole in a steel target ,then much to his already considerable suprise you do it again.My TF platoon commander called a halt to my escapade as he was wise to me.bloody good laugh though.Old bloke firend of wifes family found a box or assorted sporting/exmilammo in his shed so i disposed of them.
sadly old thunderguts doesnt get as many outings these days,.
Currently putting together a 13” barreled cast bullet launcher it should be a fun shooter.
The last 10” or so of barrel was pitted to buggery so it was shortened and recrowned and hand lapped and the bore is looking good to go. The barrel was also set back to allow the chamber to be cleaned up.
The new sight radius will mean the graduations on the rear sight will no longer be correct which could cause misses. Might come in handy if you need to explain why you miss.